Search Results: "Gunnar Wolf"

12 February 2024

Gunnar Wolf: Heads up! A miniDebConf is approaching in Santa Fe, Argentina

I realize it s a bit late to start publicly organizing this, but better late than never I m happy some Debian people I have directly contacted have already expressed interest. So, lets make this public! For all interested people who are reasonably close to central Argentina, or can be persuaded to come here in a month s time You are all welcome! It seems I managed to convince my good friend Mart n Bayo (some Debian people will remember him, as he was present in DebConf19 in Curitiba, Brazil) to get some facilities for us to have a nice Debian get-together in Central Argentina.

Where? We will meet at APUL Asociaci n de Personal no-docente de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, in downtown Santa Fe, Argentina.

When? Saturday, 2024.03.09. It is quite likely we can get some spaces for continuing over Sunday if there is demand.

What are we planning? We have little time for planning but we want to have a space for Debian-related outreach (so, please think about a topic or two you d like to share with general free software-interested, not too technical, audience). Please tell me by mail ( about any ideas you might have. We also want to have a general hacklab-style area to hang out, work a bit in our projects, and spend a good time together.

Logistics I have briefly commented about this with our dear and always mighty DPL, and Debian will support Debian-related people interested in attending; please check personally with me for specifics on how to handle this case by case. My intention is to cover costs for travel, accomodation (one or two nights) and food for whoever is interested in coming over.

More information As I don t want to direct people to keep an eye on my blog post for updates, I ll copy this information (and keep it updated!) at the Debian Wiki / DebianEvents / ar / 2024 / MiniDebConf / Santa Fe please refer to that page!


Codes of Conduct DebConf and Debian Code of Conduct apply. See the DebConf Code of Conduct and the Debian Code of Conduct.

Registration Registration is free, but needed. See the separate Registration page.

Talks Please, send your proposal to

20 January 2024

Gunnar Wolf: Ruffle helps bring back my family history

Probably a trait of my family s origins as migrants from East Europe, probably part of the collective trauma of jews throughout the world or probably because that s just who I turned out to be, I hold in high regard the preservation of memory of my family s photos, movies and such items. And it s a trait shared by many people in my familiar group. Shortly after my grandmother died 24 years ago, my mother did a large, loving work of digitalization and restoration of my grandparent s photos. Sadly, the higher resolution copies of said photos is lost but she took the work of not just scanning the photos, but assembling them in presentations, telling a story, introducing my older relatives, many of them missing 40 or more years before my birth. But said presentations were built using Flash. Right, not my choice of tool, and I told her back in the day but given I wasn t around to do the work in what I d chosen (a standards-abiding format, naturally), and given my graphic design skills are nonexistant Several years ago, when Adobe pulled the plug on the Flash format, we realized they would no longer be accessible. I managed to get the photos out of the preentations, but lost the narration, that is a great part of the work. Three days ago, however, I read a post on that made me jump to action: Ruffle is an open source Flash Player emulator, written in Rust and compiled to WASM. Even though several OSnews readers report it to be buggy to play some Flash games they long for, it worked just fine for a simple slideshow presentator. So I managed to bring it back to life! Yes, I d like to make a better index page, but that will come later I am now happy and proud to share with you:

Acariciando la ausencia: Familia Iszaevich Fajerstein, 1900 2000 (which would be roughly translated as Caressing the absence: Iszaevich Fajerstein family, 1900-2000).

Gunnar Wolf: A deep learning technique for intrusion detection system using a recurrent neural networks based framework

This post is a review for Computing Reviews for A deep learning technique for intrusion detection system using a recurrent neural networks based framework , a article published in Computer Communications
So let s assume you already know and understand that artificial intelligence s main building blocks are perceptrons, that is, mathematical models of neurons. And you know that, while a single perceptron is too limited to get interesting information from, very interesting structures neural networks can be built with them. You also understand that neural networks can be trained with large datasets, and you can get them to become quite efficient and accurate classifiers for data comparable to your dataset. Finally, you are interested in applying this knowledge to defensive network security, particularly in choosing the right recurrent neural network (RNN) framework to create an intrusion detection system (IDS). Are you still with me? Good! This paper might be right for you! The paper builds on a robust and well-written introduction and related work sections to arrive at explaining in detail what characterizes a RNN, the focus of this work, among other configurations also known as neural networks, and why they are particularly suited for machine learning (ML) tasks. RNNs must be trained for each problem domain, and publicly available datasets are commonly used for such tasks. The authors present two labeled datasets representing normal and hostile network data, identified according to different criteria: NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15. They proceed to show a framework to analyze and compare different RNNs and run them against said datasets, segmented for separate training and validation phases, compare results, and finally select the best available model for the task measuring both training speed as well as classification accuracy. The paper is quite heavy due to both its domain-specific terminology many acronyms are used throughout the text and its use of mathematical notation, both to explain specific properties of each of the RNN types and for explaining the preprocessing carried out for feature normalization and selection. This is partly what led me to start the first paragraph by assuming that we, as readers, already understand a large body of material if we are to fully follow the text. The paper does begin by explaining its core technologies, but quickly ramps up and might get too technical for nonexpert readers. It is undeniably an interesting and valuable read, showing the state of the art in IDS and ML-assisted technologies. It does not detail any specific technology applying its findings, but we will probably find the information conveyed here soon enough in industry publications.

22 December 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Pushing some reviews this way

Over roughly the last year and a half I have been participating as a reviewer in ACM s Computing Reviews, and have even been honored as a Featured Reviewer. Given I have long enjoyed reading friends reviews of their reading material (particularly, hats off to the very active Russ Allbery, who both beats all of my frequency expectations (I could never sustain the rythm he reads to!) and holds documented records for his >20 years as a book reader, with far more clarity and readability than I can aim for!), I decided to explicitly share my reviews via this blog, as the audience is somewhat congruent; I will also link here some reviews that were not approved for publication, clearly marking them so. I will probably work on wrangling my Jekyll site to display an (auto-)updated page and RSS feed for the reviews. In the meantime, the reviews I have published are:

10 December 2023

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: Python 3.12 preparations, debian-printing, merged-/usr tranisition updates, and more! (by Utkarsh Gupta)

Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services.

Preparing for Python 3.12 by Stefano Rivera Stefano uploaded a few packages in preparation for Python 3.12, including pycxx and cython. Cython has a major new version (Cython 3), adding support for 3.12, but also bringing changes that many packages in Debian aren t ready to build with, yet. Stefano uploaded it to Debian experimental and did an archive rebuild of affected packages, and some analysis of the result. Matthias Klose has since filed bugs for all of these issues.

debian-printing, by Thorsten Alteholz This month Thorsten invested some of the previously obtained money to build his own printlab. At the moment it only consists of a dedicated computer with an USB printer attached. Due to its 64GB RAM and an SSD, building of debian-printing packages is much faster now. Over time other printers will be added and understanding bugs should be a lot easier now. Also Thorsten again adopted two packages, namely mink and ink, and moved them to the debian-printing team.

Merged-/usr transition by Helmut Grohne, et al The dumat analysis tool has been improved in quite some aspects. Beyond fixing false negative diagnostics, it now recognizes protective diversions used for mitigating Multi-Arch: same file loss. It was found that the proposed mitigation for ineffective diversions does not work as expected. Trying to fix it up resulted in more problems, some of which remain unsolved as of this writing. Initial work on moving shared libraries in the essential set has been done. Meanwhile, the wider Debian community worked on fixing all known Multi-Arch: same file loss scenarios. This work is now being driven by Christian Hofstaedler and during the Mini DebConf in Cambridge, Chris Boot, tienne Mollier, Miguel Landaeta, Samuel Henrique, and Utkarsh Gupta sent the other half of the necessary patches.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Stefano merged patches to support loong64 and hurd-amd64 in re2.
  • For the Cambridge mini-conf, Stefano added a web player to the DebConf video streaming frontend, as the Cambridge miniconf didn t have its own website to host the player.
  • Rapha l helped the upstream developers of hamster-time-tracker to prepare a new upstream release (the first in multiple years) and packaged that new release in Debian unstable.
  • Enrico joined Hemut in brainstorming some /usr-merge solutions.
  • Thorsten took care of RM-bugs to remove no longer needed packages from the Debian archive and closed about 50 of them.
  • Helmut ported the feature of mounting a fuse connection via /dev/fd/N from fuse3 to fuse2.
  • Helmut sent a number of patches simplifying unprivileged use of piuparts.
  • Roberto worked with Helmut to prepare the Shorewall package for the ongoing /usr-move transition.
  • Utkarsh also helped with the ongoing /usr-merge work by preparing patches for gitlab, libnfc, and net-tools.
  • Utkarsh, along with Helmut, brainstormed on fixing #961138, as this affects the whole archive and all the suites and not just R packages. Utkarsh intends to follow up on the bug in December.
  • Santiago organized a MiniDebConf in Uruguay. In total, nine people attended, including most of DDs in the surrounding area. Here s a nicely written blog by Gunnar Wolf.
  • Santiago also worked on some issues on Salsa CI, fixed with some merge requests: #462, #463, and #466.

12 November 2023

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: Mini DebConf 2023 in Montevideo, Uruguay

15 years, "la ni a bonita", if you ask many of my fellow argentinians, is the amount of time I haven't been present in any Debian-related face to face activity. It was already time to fix that. Thanks to Santiago Ruano Rinc n and Gunnar Wolf that proded me to come I finally attended the Mini DebConf Uruguay in Montevideo. Me in Montevideo, Uruguay I took the opportunity to do my first trip by ferry, which is currently one of the best options to get from Buenos Aires to Montevideo, in my case through Colonia. Living ~700km at the south west of Buenos Aires city the trip was long, it included a 10 hours bus, a ferry and yet another bus... but of course, it was worth it. In Buenos Aires' port I met Emmanuel eamanu Arias, a fellow Argentinian Debian Developer from La Rioja, so I had the pleasure to travel with him. To be honest Gunnar already did a wonderful blog post with many pictures, I should have taken more. I had the opportunity to talk about device trees, and even look at Gunnar's machine one in order to find why a Display Port port was not working on a kernel but did in another. At the same time I also had time to start packaging qt6-grpc. Sadly I was there just one entire day, as I arrived on Thursday afternoon and had to leave on Saturday after lunch, but we did have a lot of quality Debian time. I'll repeat here what Gunnar already wrote:
We had a long, important conversation about an important discussion that we are about to present on
Stay tuned on that, I think this is something we should all get involved. All in all I already miss hacking with people on the same room. Meetings for us mean a lot of distance to be traveled (well, I live far away of almost everything), but I really should try to this more often. Certainly more than just once every 15 years :-)

11 November 2023

Gunnar Wolf: There once was a miniDebConf in Uruguay...

Meeting Debian people for having a good time together, for some good hacking, for learning, for teaching Is always fun and welcome. It brings energy, life and joy. And this year, due to the six-months-long relocation my family and me decided to have to Argentina, I was unable to attend the real deal, DebConf23 at India. And while I know DebConf is an experience like no other, this year I took part in two miniDebConfs. One I have already shared in this same blog: I was in MiniDebConf Tamil Nadu in India, followed by some days of pre-DebConf preparation and scouting in Kochi proper, where I got to interact with the absolutely great and loving team that prepared DebConf. The other one is still ongoing (but close to finishing). Some months ago, I talked with Santiago Ruano, jokin as we were Spanish-speaking DDs announcing to the debian-private mailing list we d be relocating to around R o de la Plata. And things worked out normally: He has been for several months in Uruguay already, so he decided to rent a house for some days, and invite Debian people to do what we do best. I left Paran Tuesday night (and missed my online class at UNAM! Well, you cannot have everything, right?). I arrived early on Wednesday, and around noon came to the house of the keysigning (well, the place is properly called Casa Key , it s a publicity agency that is also rented as a guesthouse in a very nice area of Montevideo, close to Nuevo Pocitos beach). In case you don t know it, Montevideo is on the Northern (or Eastern) shore of R o de la Plata, the widest river in the world (up to 300Km wide, with current and non-salty water). But most important for some Debian contributors: You can even come here by boat! That first evening, we received Ilu, who was in Uruguay by chance for other issues (and we were very happy about it!) and a young and enthusiastic Uruguayan, Felipe, interested in getting involved in Debian. We spent the evening talking about life, the universe and everything Which was a bit tiring, as I had to interface between Spanish and English, talking with two friends that didn t share a common language On Thursday morning, I went out for an early walk at the beach. And lets say, if only just for the narrative, that I found a lost penguin emerging from R o de la Plata! For those that don t know (who d be most of you, as he has not been seen at Debian events for 15 years), that s Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer (or just lisandro), long-time maintainer of the Qt ecosystem, and one of our embedded world extraordinaires. So, after we got him dry and fed him fresh river fishes, he gave us a great impromptu talk about understanding and finding our way around the Device Tree Source files for development boards and similar machines, mostly in the ARM world. From Argentina, we also had Emanuel (eamanu) crossing all the way from La Rioja. I spent most of our first workday getting my laptop in shape to be useful as the driver for my online class on Thursday (which is no small feat people that know the particularities of my much loved ARM-based laptop will understand), and running a set of tests again on my Raspberry Pi labortory, which I had not updated in several months. I am happy to say we are also finally also building Raspberry images for Trixie (Debian 13, Testing)! Sadly, I managed to burn my USB-to-serial-console (UART) adaptor, and could neither test those, nor the oldstable ones we are still building (and will probably soon be dropped, if not for anything else, to save disk space). We enjoyed a lot of socialization time. An important highlight of the conference for me was that we reconnected with a long-lost DD, Eduardo Tr pani, and got him interested in getting involved in the project again! This second day, another local Uruguayan, Mauricio, joined us together with his girlfriend, Alicia, and Felipe came again to hang out with us. Sadly, we didn t get photographic evidence of them (nor the permission to post it). The nice house Santiago got for us was very well equipped for a miniDebConf. There were a couple of rounds of pool played by those that enjoyed it (I was very happy just to stand around, take some photos and enjoy the atmosphere and the conversation). Today (Saturday) is the last full-house day of miniDebConf; tomorrow we will be leaving the house by noon. It was also a very productive day! We had a long, important conversation about an important discussion that we are about to present on It has been a great couple of days! Sadly, it s coming to an end But this at least gives me the opportunity (and moral obligation!) to write a long blog post. And to thank Santiago for organizing this, and Debian, for sponsoring our trip, stay, foods and healthy enjoyment!

22 September 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Debian@30 Found the shirt I was looking for last month

Almost a month ago, I went to my always loved Rancho Electr nico to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Debian project. Hats off to Jathan for all the work he put into this! I was there for close to 3hr, and be it following up an install, doing a talk, or whatever he was doing it. But anyway, I only managed to attend with one of my (great, beautiful and always loved) generic Debian or DebConf T-shirts. Today, when going through a box of old T-shirts, I found the shirt I was looking for to bring to the occasion. A smallish print, ~12cm wide, over the heart: And as a larger print, ~25cm wide, across the back: For the benefit of people who read this using a non-image-displaying browser or RSS client, they are respectively:
   10 years
  100 countries
 1000 maintainers
10000 packages
        1 project
       10 architectures
      100 countries
     1000 maintainers
    10000 packages
   100000 bugs fixed
  1000000 installations
 10000000 users
100000000 lines of code
20 years ago we celebrated eating grilled meat at J0rd1 s house. This year, we had vegan tostadas in the menu. And maybe we are no longer that young, but we are still very proud and happy of our project! Now How would numbers line up today for Debian, 20 years later? Have we managed to get the bugs fixed line increase by a factor of 10? Quite probably, the lines of code we also have, and I can only guess the number of users and installations, which was already just a wild guess back then, might have multiplied by over 10, at least if we count indirect users and installs as well

27 August 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Interested in adopting the RPi images for Debian?

Back in June 2018, Michael Stapelberg put the Raspberry Pi image building up for adoption. He created the first set of unofficial, experimental Raspberry Pi images for Debian. I promptly answered to him, and while it took me some time to actually warp my head around Michael s work, managed to eventually do so. By December, I started pushing some updates. Not only that: I didn t think much about it in the beginning, as the needed non-free pacakge was called raspi3-firmware, but By early 2019, I had it running for all of the then-available Raspberry families (so the package was naturally renamed to raspi-firmware). I got my Raspberry Pi 4 at DebConf19 (thanks to Andy, who brought it from Cambridge), and it soon joined the happy Debian family. The images are built daily, and are available in In the process, I also adopted Lars great vmdb2 image building tool, and have kept it decently up to date (yes, I m currently lagging behind, but I ll get to it soonish ). Anyway This year, I have been seriously neglecting the Raspberry builds. I have simply not had time to regularly test built images, nor to debug why the builder has not picked up building for trixie (testing). And my time availability is not going to improve any time soon. We are close to one month away from moving for six months to Paran (Argentina), where I ll be focusing on my PhD. And while I do contemplate taking my Raspberries along, I do not forsee being able to put much energy to them. So This is basically a call for adoption for the Raspberry Debian images building service. I do intend to stick around and try to help. It s not only me (although I m responsible for the build itself) we have a nice and healthy group of Debian people hanging out in the #debian-raspberrypi channel in OFTC IRC. Don t be afraid, and come ask. I hope giving this project in adoption will breathe new life into it!

13 August 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Back to online teaching

Mexico s education sector had one of the longest lockdowns due to COVID: As everybody, we went virtual in March 2020, and it was only by late February 2022 that I went back to teach presentially at the University. But for the semester starting next Tuesday, I m going back to a full-online mode. Why? Because me and my family will be travelling to Argentina for six months, starting this October and until next March. When I went to ask for my teaching to be frozen for two semesters, the Head of Division told me he was actually looking for teachers wanting to do distance-teaching With a student population of >380,000 students, and not being able to grow the physical infrastructure, and with such a big city as Mexico City, where a person can take ove 2hr to commute daily It only makes sense to offer part of the courses online. To be honest, I m a bit nervous about this. The past couple of days, I ve been setting up again the technological parts (i.e. spinning up a Jitsi instance, remembering my usual practices and programs). But Well, I know that being videoconference-bound, my teaching will lose the dynamism that comes from talking face to face with students. I think I will miss it! (but at the same time, I m happy to try this anew: to go virtual, but where students choosing this modality do so by choice rather than because the world forced them to)

21 July 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Road trip through mountain ridges to find the surreal

We took a couple of days of for a family vacation / road trip through the hills of Central Mexico. The overall trip does not look like anything out of the ordinary Other than the fact that Google forecasted we d take approximately 15.5 hours driving for 852Km that is, an average of almost 55 Km/h. And yes, that s what we signed up for. And that s what we got. Of course, the exact routes are not exactly what Google suggested (I can say we optimized a bit the route, i.e., by avoiding the metropolitan area of Quer taro, at the extreme west, and going via San Juan del R o / Tequisquiapan / Bernal). The first stretch of the road is just a regular, huge highway, with no particular insights. The highways leaving and entering Mexico City on the North are not fun nor beautiful, only they are needed to get nice trips going Mexico City sits at a point of changing climates. Of course, it is a huge city And I cannot imagine how it would be without all of the urbanization it now sports. But anyway: On the West, South, and part of the East, it is surrounded by high mountains, with beautiful and dense forests. Mexico City is 2200m high, and most of the valley s surrounding peaks are ~3000m (and at the South Eastern tip, our two big volcanoes, Popocat petl and Iztacc huatl, get past the 5700m mark). Towards the North, the landscape is flatter and much more dry. Industrial compounds give way to dry grasslands. Of course, central Mexico does not understand the true meaning of flat, and the landscape is full with eh-not-very-big mountains. Then, as we entered Quer taro State, we started approaching Bernal. And we saw a huge rock that looks like it is not supposed to be there! It just does not fit the surroundings. Shortly after Bernal, we entered a beautiful, although most crumpled, mountain ridge: Sierra Gorda de Quer taro. Sierra Gorda encompasses most of the North of the (quite small 11500Km total) state of Quer taro, plus portions of the neighboring states; other than the very abrupt and sharp orography, what strikes me most is the habitat diversity it encompasses. We started going up an absolute desert, harsh and beautiful; we didn t take pictures along the way as the road is difficult enough that there are almost no points for stopping for refreshments or for photo opportunities. But it is quite majestic. And if you think deserts are barren, boring places well, please do spend some time enjoying them! Anyway At on point, the road passes by a ~3100m height, and suddenly Pines! More pines! A beautiful forest! We reached our first stop at the originally mining town of Pinal de Amoles. After spending the night there and getting a much needed rest, we started a quite steep descent towards Jalpan de Serra. While it is only ~20Km away on the map, we descended from 2300 to 760 meters of altitude (and the road was over 40Km long). Being much lower, the climate drastically changed from cool and humid to quite warm and the body attitude in the kids does not lie! In the mid-18th century, Fray Jun pero Serra established five missions to evangelize the population of this very harsh territory, and the frontispiece for the church and monastery in Jalpan is quite breathtaking. But we were just passing by Jalpan. A short visit to the church and to the ice-cream shop, and we were again on our way. We crossed the state border, entering San Luis Potos , and arrived to our main destination: Xilitla, the little town in the beautiful Huasteca where the jungle meets surrealism. Xilitla was chosen by the British poet and patron of various surrealist artists He was a British noble (an unofficial grandson of King Edward VII), and heir to a huge fortune. I m not going to repeat here his very well known biography suffice to say that he got in love with the Huasteca, and bought a >30ha piece of jungle and mountain close to the Xilitla town, and made it his house. With very ample economic resources, in the late 1940s he started his lifelong project of building a surrealist garden. And Well, that s enough blabbering for me. I m sharing some pictures I took there. The place is plainly magic and wonderful. Edward James died in 1984, and his will decrees that after his death, the jungle should be allowed to reclaim the constructions so many structures are somewhat crumbling, and it is expected they will break down in the following decades. But for whoever comes to Mexico This magic place is definitely worth the heavy ride to the middle of the mountains and to the middle of the jungle. Xilitla now also hosts a very good museum with sculptures by Leonora Carrington, James long-time friend, but I m not going to abuse this space with even more pictures. And of course, we did more, and enjoyed more, during our three days in Xilitla. And for our way back I wanted to try a different route. We decided to come back to Mexico City crossing Hidalgo state instead of Quer taro. I had feared the roads would be in a worse shape or would be more difficult to travel And I was happy to be proven wrong! This was the longest driving stretch approximately 6:30 for 250Km. The roads are in quite decent shape, and while there are some stretches where we were quite lonely (probably the loneliest one was the sharp ascent from Tamazunchale to the detour before Orizatl n), the road felt safe and well kept at all times. The sights all across Eastern Hidalgo are breathtaking, and all furiously green (be it with really huge fern leaves or with tall, strong pines), until Zacualtip n. And just as abruptly or more as when we entered Pinal de Amoles We crossed Orizatl n, and we were in a breathtaking arid, desert-like environment again. We crossed the Barranca de Metztitl n natural reserve, and arrived to spend the night at Huasca de Ocampo. There are many more things we could have done starting at Huasca, a region where old haciendas thrived, full of natural formations, and very very interesting. But we were tired and pining to be finally back home. So we rested until mid-morning and left straight back home in Mexico City. Three hours later, we were relaxing, preparing lunch, the kids watching whatever-TV-like-things are called nowadays. All in all, a very beautiful vacation!

1 June 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Cheatable e-voting booths in Coahuila, Mexico, detected at the last minute

It s been a very long time I haven t blogged about e-voting, although some might remember it s been a topic I have long worked with; particularly, it was the topic of my 2018 Masters thesis, plus some five articles I wrote in the 2010-2018 period. After the thesis, I have to admit I got weary of the subject, and haven t pursued it anymore. So, I was saddened and dismayed to read that once again, as it has already happened the electoral authorities would set up a pilot e-voting program in the local elections this year, that would probably lead to a wider deployment next year, in the Federal elections. This year ( this week!), two States will have elections for their Governors and local Legislative branches: Coahuila (North, bordering with Texas) and Mexico (Center, surrounding Mexico City). They are very different states, demographically and in their development level. Pilot programs with e-voting booths have been seen in four states TTBOMK in the last ~15 years: Jalisco (West), Mexico City, State of Mexico and Coahuila. In Coahuila, several universities have teamed up with the Electoral Institute to develop their e-voting booth; a good thing that I can say about how this has been done in my country is that, at least, the Electoral Institute is providing their own implementations, instead of sourcing with e-booth vendors (which have their long, tragic story mostly in the USA, but also in other places). Not only that: They are subjecting the machines to audit processes. Not open audit processes, as demanded by academics in the field, but nevertheless, external, rigorous audit processes. But still, what me and other colleagues with Computer Security background oppose to is not a specific e-voting implementation, but the adoption of e-voting in general. If for nothing else, because of the extra complexity it brings, because of the many more checks that have to be put in place, and Because as programmers, we are aware of the ease with which bugs can creep in any given implementation both honest bugs (mistakes) and, much worse, bugs that are secretly requested and paid for. Anyway, leave this bit aside for a while. I m not implying there was any ill intent in the design or implementation of these e-voting booths. Two days ago, the Electoral Institute announced there was an important bug found in the Coahuila implementation. The bug consists, as far as I can understand from the information reported in newspapers, in: The problem was that the activation codes remained active after voting, so a voter could vote multiple times. This seems like an easy problem to be patched It most likely is. However, given the inability to patch, properly test, and deploy in a timely manner the fix to all of the booths (even though only 74 e-voting booths were to be deployed for this pilot), the whole pilot for Coahuila was scratched; Mexico State is voting with a different implementation that is not affected by this issue. This illustrates very well one of the main issues with e-voting technology: It requires a team of domain-specific experts to perform a highly specialized task (code and physical audits). I am happy and proud to say that part of the auditing experts were the professors of the Information Security Masters program of ESIME Culhuac n (the Masters program I was part of). The reaction by the Electoral Institute was correct. As far as I understand, there is no evidence suggesting this bug could have been purposefully built, but it s not impossible to rule it out. A traditional, paper-and-ink-based process is not only immune to attacks (or mistakes!) based on code such as this one, but can be audited by anybody. And that is, I believe, a fundamental property of democracy: ensuring the process is done right is not limited to a handful of domain experts. Not only that: In Mexico, I am sure there are hundreds of very proficient developers that could perform a code and equipment audit such as this one, but the audits are open by invitation only, so being an expert is not enough to get clearance to do this. In a democracy, the whole process should be observable and verifiable by anybody interested in doing so. Some links about this news:

1 May 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Scanning heaps of 8mm movies

After my father passed away, I brought home most of the personal items he had, both at home and at his office. Among many, many (many, many, many) other things, I brought two of his personal treasures: His photo collection and a box with the 8mm movies he shot approximately between 1956 and 1989, when he was forced into modernity and got a portable videocassette recorder. I have talked with several friends, as I really want to get it all in a digital format, and while I ve been making slow but steady advances scanning the photo reels, I was particularly dismayed (even though it was most expected most personal electronic devices aren t meant to last over 50 years) to find out the 8mm projector was no longer in working conditions; the lamp and the fans work, but the spindles won t spin. Of course, it is quite likely it is easy to fix, but it is beyond my tinkering abilities and finding photographic equipment repair shops is no longer easy. Anyway, even if I got it fixed, filming a movie from a screen, even with a decent camera, is a lousy way to get it digitized. But almost by mere chance, I got in contact with my cousin Daniel, ho came to Mexico to visit his parents, and had precisely brought with him a 8mm/Super8 movie scanner! It is a much simpler piece of equipment than I had expected, and while it does present some minor glitches (i.e. the vertical framing slightly loses alignment over the course of a medium-length film scanning session, and no adjustment is possible while the scan is ongoing), this is something that can be decently fixed in post-processing, and a scanning session can be split with no ill effects. Anyway, it is quite uncommon a mid-length (5min) film can be done without interrupting i.e. to join a splice, mostly given my father didn t just film, but also edited a lot (this is, it s not just family pictures, but all different kinds of fiction and documentary work he did). So, Daniel lent me a great, brand new, entry-level film scanner; I rushed to scan as many movies as possible before his return to the USA this week, but he insisted he bought it to help preserve our family s memory, and given we are still several cousins living in Mexico, I could keep hold of it so any other of the cousins will find it more easily. Of course, I am thankful and delighted! So, this equipment is a Magnasonic FS81. It is entry-level, as it lacks some adjustment abilities a professional one would surely have, and I m sure a better scanner will make the job faster but it s infinitely superior to not having it! The scanner processes roughly two frames per second (while the nominal 8mm/Super8 speed is 24 frames per second), so a 3 minute film reel takes a bit over 35 minutes And a long, ~20 minute film reel takes Close to 4hr, if nothing gets in your way :- And yes, with longer reels, the probability of a splice breaking are way higher than with a short one not only because there is simply a longer film to process, but also because, both at the unwinding and at the receiving reels, mechanics play their roles. The films don t advance smoothly, but jump to position each frame in the scanner s screen, so every bit of film gets its fair share of gentle tugs. My professional consultant on how and what to do is my good friend Chema Serralde, who has stopped me from doing several things I would regret later otherwise (such as joining spliced tapes with acidic chemical adhesives such as Kola Loka, a.k.a. Krazy Glue even if it s a bit trickier to do it, he insisted me on best using simple transparent tape if I m not buying fancy things such as film-adhesive). Chema also explained me the importance of the loopers (las Lupes in his technical Spanish translation), which I feared increased the likelihood of breaking a bit of old glue due to the angle in which the film gets pulled but if skipped, result in films with too much jumping. Not all of the movies I have are for public sharing Some of them are just family movies, with high personal value, but probably of very little interest to others. But some are! I have been uploading some of the movies, after minor post-processing, to the Internet Archive. Among them: Anyway, I have a long way forward for scanning. I have 20 3min reels, 19 5min reels, and 8 20min reels. I want to check the scanning quality, but I think my 20min reels are mostly processed (we paid for scanning them some years ago). I mostly finished the 3min reels, but might have to go over some of them again due to the learning process. And Well, I m having quite a bit of fun in the process!

10 April 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Twenty years

Twenty years A seemingly big, very round number, at least for me. I can recall several very well-known songs mentioning this timespan: A quick Internet search yields many more And yes, in human terms 20 years is quite a big deal. And, of course, I have been long waiting for the right time to write this post. Because twenty years ago, I got the mail. Of course, the mail notifying me I had successfully finished my NM process and, as of April 2003, could consider myself to be a full-fledged Debian Project member. Maybe by sheer chance it was today also that we spent the evening at Max s house I never worked directly with Max, but we both worked at Universidad Pedag gica Nacional at the same time back then. But Of course, a single twentyversary is not enough! I don t have the exact date, but I guess I might be off by some two or three months due to other things I remember from back then. This year, I am forty years old as an Emacs and TeX user! Back in 1983, on Friday nights, I went with my father to IIMAS (where I m currently adscribed to as a PhD student, and where he was a researcher between 1971 and the mid-1990s) and used the computer one of the two big computers they had in the Institute. And what could a seven-year-old boy do? Of course use the programs this great Foonly F2 system had. Emacs and TeX (this is still before LaTeX). 40 years And I still use the same base tools for my daily work, day in, day out.

25 March 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Four days to fix a simple configuration bug

Phew! Today, after four days of combing through code I am unfamiliar with, I was finally able to change my expression. I m finally at the part of my PhD work where I am tasked with implementing the protocol I claim improves from the current situation. I wrote a script to deploy the infrastructure I need for the experiment, and was not expecting any issues I am not (yet) familiar with the Go language (in which the Hockeypuck key server is developed), but I have managed to install it several times, and it holds no terrible surprises anymore for me. Or so I think. So, how come it s possible the five servers in my laboratory network don t gossip to each other? The logs don t show anything clear Only a sucession of this:
hockeypuck[5295]: time="2023-03-24T00:00:28-06:00" level=error msg="recon with :0 failed" error="[ /srv/hockeypuck/packaging/src/    dial tcp :0: connect: connection refused ]" label="gossip :11370"
hockeypuck[5295]: time="2023-03-24T00:00:28-06:00" level=info msg="waiting 27s for next gossip attempt" label="gossip :11370"
And while tcp :0: connect: connection refused sounds fishy It took me too long to find the reasons. But, at least, along the way I decided to find my errors by debugging the code, rather than by rebuilding the laboratory and random-stabbing at the configuration. And yes, finally I came to my senses, and found out my silly mistake was to have my configuration read:
where it should have read:
Because, of course, TOML would find no child declarations for hockeypuck.conflux.recon.partner.10 (as the following period makes the rest of the entry an entirely distinct one from what I thought I specified). Anyway, this made me at least: Now Why am I posting this? Not only because I feel very happy and wanted to share my a-ha moment, but also because I m sure this time that seems that I mindlessly spent poking at Go without knowing the basics will be somehow rewarded I have to learn bits of the language anyway, so it s time well spent. Or so I hope. (oh, and the funny spectacles? I am not sure, but I believe them to have been property of my grandfather or great-grandfather when they came from Europe, in 1947 or in 1928 respectively. One glasspiece is sadly lost, but other than that, I love them!)

Gunnar Wolf: Now that we are talking about kernel building... What about firebuild?

After my last post, B lint (who prompted it with his last post) suggested I should do a hybrid test of his tests and my extremes. He suggested I should build the Linux kernel using my Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB model), but using the Firebuild build accelerator. Before going any further: I must make clear that while Firebuild is freely redistributable, it is not made available under a free license. It is free for personal use or commercial trial, but otherwise requires licensing. B lint managed to build a Linux kernel in just over 8 seconds. So, how did my test go? My previous experiment, using -j 4, built Linux in ~100 minutes; this was about a year ago, and I m now building linux 6.1, so I timed this again. To get a baseline, I built my kernel from a just-unpacked tree, just as usual:
# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time make -j4
real    117m30.588s
user    392m41.434s
sys     52m2.556s
Of course, having all of the object files built makes the rebuild process quite faster (this is still done without firebuild). I understand calling make defconfig without cleaning does not change much, but I saw it often referenced in firebuild s docs, so I m leaving it:
# time make -j 4
real    0m43.822s
user    1m36.577s
sys     0m40.805s
Then, I did a first run using firebuild. Firebuild is a caching build optimizer, so the first run will naturally be somewhat slower (but if you often rebuild your kernel, it should be seen as an investment). Now, in the Raspberry Pi, that uses a slow SD card interface for its storage It is a heavy investment. The first time I built with firebuild, it meant almost a 100% build time hit:
# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    212m58.647s
user    391m49.080s
sys     81m10.758s
Not only that; I am using a fairly decent and big 32GB card, but this is quite a big price to pay in such a limited system!
# du -sh .cache/firebuild/
4.2G    .cache/firebuild/
I did a build without cleaning the build directory, using firebuild, and it does help although not by so much as in higher performance systems:
# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    68m6.621s
user    98m32.514s
sys     31m41.643s
So, it built in roughly 65% of the time it would take to build regularly. And what about rebuilding without cleaning?
# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    1m11.872s
user    2m5.807s
sys     1m46.178s
In this case, using firebuild worked roughly 30% slower than not using it. I guess the high number of file ops inside .cache/firebuild are to blame, as in the case of the media I m using, those are quite expensive; make went its way basically checking date stamps between *.c and *.o (yes, very roughly), and while running under firebuild, I suppose each of these meant an extra lookup inside the cache. So Experiment requested, experiment performed!

21 March 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Impact of parallelism and processor architecture while building a kernel

Given that B lint just braggedblogged about how efficiently he can build a Linux kernel (less than 8 seconds, wow! Well, yes, until you read it is the result of aggressive caching and is achieved only for a second run), and that a question just popped up today on the Debian ARM mailing list, is an ARM computer a good choice? Which one? , I decided to share my results of an experiment I did several months ago, to graphically show to my students the effects of parallelism, the artifacts of hyperthreading, the effects of different architecture sets, and even illustrate about the actual futility of my experiment (somewhat referring to John Gustafson s reevaluation of Amdahl s law, already 30 years ago One does not take a fixed-size problem and run it on various numbers of processors except when doing academic research ; thanks for referring to my inconsequential reiterative compilations as academic research! ) I don t expect any of the following images to be groundbreaking, but at least, next time I need to find them it is quite likely I ll be able to find them and I will be able to more easily refer to them in online discussions So What did I do? I compiled Linux repeatedly, on several of the machines I had available, varying the -j flag (how many cores to use simultaneously), starting with single-core, and pushing up until just a bit over the physical number of cores the CPU has. Sadly, I lost several of my output images, but the three following are enough to tell interesting bits of the story: Of course, I have to add that this is not a scientific comparison; the server and my laptop have much better I/O than the Raspberry s puny micro-SD card (and compiling hundreds of thousands of files is quite an IO-stressed job, even though the full task does exhibit the very low compared single-threaded performance of the Raspberry even compared with the Yoga). No optimizations were done (they would be harmful to the effects I wanted to show!), the compile was made straight from the upstream sources.

16 February 2023

Gunnar Wolf: We are GREAT at handling multimedia!

I have mentioned several times in this blog, as well as by other communication means, that I am very happy with the laptop I bought (used) about a year and a half ago: an ARM-based Lenovo Yoga C630. Yes, I knew from the very beginning that using this laptop would pose a challenge to me in many ways, as full hardware support for ARM laptops are nowhere as easy as for plain boring x86 systems. But the advantages far outweigh the inconvenience (i.e. the hoops I had to jump through to handle video-out when I started teaching presentially, which are fortunately a thing of the past now). Anyway This post is not about my laptop. Back in 2018, I was honored to be appointed as a member of the Debian Technical Committee. Of course, that meant (due to the very clear and clever point of the Debian Constitution that my tenure in the Committee (as well as Niko Tyni s) finished in January 1, 2023. We were invited to take part of a Jitsi call as a last meeting, as well as to welcome Matthew Garrett to the Committee. Of course, I arranged so I would be calling from my desktop system at work (for which I have an old, terrible webcam but as long as I don t need to control screen sharing too finely, mostly works). Out of eight people in the call, two had complete or quite crippling failures with their multimedia setup, and one had a frozen image (at least as far as I could tell). So Yes, Debian is indeed good and easy and simple and reliable for most nontechnical users using standard tools. But I guess that we power users enjoy tweaking our setup to our precise particular liking. Or that we just don t care about frivolities such as having a working multimedia setup. Or I don t know what happens. But the fact that close to half of the Technical Committee, which should consist of Debian Developers who know their way around technical obstacles, cannot get a working multimedia setup for a simple, easy WebRTC call (even after a pandemic that made us all work via teleconferencing solutions on a daily basis!) is just Beautiful

29 January 2023

Gunnar Wolf: miniDebConf Tamil Nadu 2023

Greetings from Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu, South India! As a preparation and warm-up for DebConf in September, the Debian people in India have organized a miniDebConf. Well, I don t want to be unfair to them They have been regularly organizing miniDebConfs for over a decade, and while most of the attendees are students local to this state in South India (the very tip of the country; Tamil Nadu is the Eastern side, and Kerala, where Kochi is and DebConf will be held, is the Western side), I have talked with attendees from very different regions of this country. This miniDebConf is somewhat similar to similarly-scoped events I have attended in Latin America: It is mostly an outreach conference, but it s also a great opportunity for DDs in India to meet in the famous hallway track. India is incredibly multicultural. Today at the hotel, I was somewhat surprised to see people from Kerala trying to read a text written in Tamil: Not only the languages are different, but the writing systems also are. From what I read, Tamil script is a bit simpler to Kerala s Mayalayam, although they come from similar roots. Of course, my school of thought is that, whenever you visit a city, culture or country that differs from the place you were born, a fundamental component to explore and to remember is Food! And one of the things I most looked forward for this trip was that precisely. I arrived to the Chennai Airport (MAA) 8:15 local time yesterday morning, so I am far from an expert but I have been given (and most happily received) three times biryani (pictured in the photo by this paragraph). It is delicious, although I cannot yet describe the borders of what should or should not be considered proper biryani): The base dish is rice, and you go mixing it with different sauces or foods. What managed to surprise us foreigners is, strangely, well known for us all: there is no spoon. No, the food is not pushed to your mouth using metal or wooden utensils. Not even using a tortilla as back home, or by breaking bits of the injera that serves also as a dish, as in Ethiopia. Sure, there is naan, but it is completely optional, and would be a bit too much for as big a big dish as what we have got. Biryani is eaten With the tools natural to us primates: the fingers. We have learnt some differnt techniques but so far, I am still using the base technique (thumb-finger-middle). I m closing the report with the photo of the closing of the conference as it happens. And I will, of course, share our adventures as they unfold in the next couple of days. Because Well, we finished with the conference-y part of the trip, but we have a full week of (pre-)DebConf work ahead of us!

16 January 2023

Gunnar Wolf: Back to Understanding Computers and Cognition

As many of you know, I work at UNAM, Mexico s largest university. My work is split in two parts: My full-time job is to be the systems and network administrator at the Economics Research Institute, and I do some hours of teaching at the Engineering Faculty. At the Institute, my role is academic but although I have tried to frame my works in a way amenable to analysis grounded on the Social Sciences (Construcci n Colaborativa del Conocimiento, Hecho con Creative Commons, Mecanismos de privacidad y anonimato), so far, I have not taken part of academic collaboration with my coworkers Economics is a field very far from my interests, to somehow illustrate it. I was very happy when I was invited to be a part of a Seminar on The Digital Economy in the age of Artificial Intelligence . I talked with the coordinator, and we agreed we have many Economic Science experts but understanding what does Artificial Intelligence mean eludes then, so I will be writing one of the introductory chapters to this analysis. But Hey, I m no expert in Artificial Intelligence. If anything, I could be categorized as an AI-skeptical! Well, at least I might be the closest thing at hand in the Institute So I have been thinking about what I will be writing, and finding and reading material to substantiate what I ll be writing. One of the readings I determined early on I would be going back to is Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores 1986 book, Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design (oh, were you expecting a link to buy it instead of reading it online?) I first came across this book by mere chance. Back in the last day of year 2000, my friend Ariel invited me and my then-girlfriend to tag along and travel by land to the USA to catch some just-after-Christmas deals in San Antonio. I was not into shopping, but have always enjoyed road trips, so we went together. We went, yes, to the never-ending clothing shops, but we also went to some big libraries And the money I didn t spend at other shops, I spent there. And then some more. There was a little, somewhat oldish book that caught my eye. And I ll be honest: I looked at this book only because it was obviously produced by the LaTeX typesetting system (the basics of which I learnt in 1983, and with which I have written well, basically everything substantial I ve ever done). I remember I read this book with most interest back in that year, and finished it with a Wow, that was a strange trip! And Although I have never done much that could be considered AI-related, this has always been my main reference. But not for explaining what is a perceptron, how is an expert system to ponder the weight of given information, or whether a neural network is convolutional or recurrent, or how to turn from a network trained to recognize feature x into a generational network. No, our book is not technical. Well Not in that sense. This book tackles cognition. But in order to discuss cognition, it must first come to a proper definition of it. And to do so, it has to base itself on philosophy, starting by noting the author s disagreement with what they term as the rationalistic tradition: what we have come to term valid reasoning in Western countries. Their main claim is that the rationalistic tradition cannot properly explain a process as complex as cognition (how much bolder can you be than proposing something like this?). So, this book presents many constructs of Heidggerian origin, aiming to explain what it is understanding and being. In doing so, it follows Humberto Maturana s work. Maturana is also a philosopher, but comes from a background in biology he published works on animal neurophysiology that are also presented here. Writing this, I must ensure you I am not a philosopher, and lack field-specific knowledge to know whether this book is so unique. I know from the onset it does not directly help me to write the chapter I will be writing (but it will surely help me write some important caveats that will make the chapter much more interesting and different to what anybody with a Web browser could write about artificial intelligence). One last note: Although very well written, and notable for bringing hard to grasp concepts to mere technical staff as myself, this is not light, easy reading. I started re-reading this book a couple of weeks ago, and have just finished chapter 5 (page 69). As some reviewers state, this is one of those books you have to go back a paragraph or two over and over. But it is a most enjoyable and interesting reading.

