Search Results: "Gregory Colpart"

19 December 2024

Gregory Colpart: MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024

After the MiniDebConf Marseille 2019, COVID-19 made it impossible or difficult to organize new MiniDebConfs for a few years. With the gradual resumption of in-person events (like FOSDEM, DebConf, etc.), the idea emerged to host another MiniDebConf in France, but with a lighter organizational load. In 2023, we decided to reach out to the organizers of Capitole du Libre to repeat the experience of 2017: hosting a MiniDebConf alongside their annual event in Toulouse in November. However, our request came too late for 2023. After discussions with Capitole du Libre in November 2023 in Toulouse and again in February 2024 in Brussels, we confirmed that a MiniDebConf Toulouse would take place in November 2024! We then assembled a small organizing team and got to work: a Call for Papers in May 2024, adding a two-day MiniDebCamp, coordinating with the DebConf video team, securing sponsors, creating a logo, ordering T-shirts and stickers, planning the schedule, and managing registrations. Even with lighter logistics (conference rooms, badges, and catering during the weekend were handled by Capitole du Libre), there was still quite a bit of preparation to do. On Thursday, November 14, and Friday, November 15, 2024, about forty developers arrived from around the world (France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, England, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Brest, Marseille ) to spend two days at the MiniDebCamp in the beautiful collaborative spaces of Artilect in Toulouse city center.
Then, on Saturday, November 16, and Sunday, November 17, 2024, the MiniDebConf took place at ENSEEIHT as part of the Capitole du Libre event. The conference kicked off on Saturday morning with an opening session by J r my Lecour, which included a tribute to Lunar (Nicolas Dandrimont). This was followed by Reproducible Builds Rebuilding What is Distributed from (Holger Levsen) and Discussion on My Research Work on Sustainability of Debian OS (Eda). After lunch at the Capitole du Libre food trucks, the intense afternoon schedule began: What s New in the Linux Kernel (and What s Missing in Debian) (Ben Hutchings), Linux Live Patching in Debian (Santiago Ruano Rinc n), Trixie on Mobile: Are We There Yet? (Arnaud Ferraris), PostgreSQL Container Groups, aka cgroups Down the Road (C dric Villemain), Upgrading a Thousand Debian Hosts in Less Than an Hour (J r my Lecour and myself), and Using Debusine to Automate Your QA (Stefano Rivera & co). Sunday marked the second day, starting with a presentation on DebConf 25 (Benjamin Somers), which will be held in Brest in July 2025. The morning continued with talks: How LTS Goes Beyond LTS (Santiago Ruano Rinc n & Roberto C. S nchez), Cross-Building (Helmut Grohne), and State of JavaScript (Bastien Roucari s). In the afternoon, there were Lightning Talks, PyPI Security: Past, Present & Future (Salvo LtWorf Tomaselli), and the classic Bits from DPL (Andreas Tille), before closing with the final session led by Pierre-Elliott B cue. All talks are available on video (a huge thanks to the amazing DebConf video team), and many thanks to our sponsors (Viridien, Freexian, Evolix, Collabora, and Data Bene). A big thank-you as well to the entire Capitole du Libre team for hosting and supporting us see you in Brest in July 2025! Articles about (or mentioning) MiniDebConf Toulouse:

14 November 2010

Christian Perrier: Where's bubulle: results and answer

So, where was I on this 1978 picture or that 1979 picture? The answer is: first row and 2nd from right on the 1978 picture and 3rd from right on the 1979 one. Yes, that sleeping Gong fan who's recovering from his last joint would actually be me, 18 years old. (and, yes, I've been, and was at that time, a Gong fan and, no, I never ever smoke pot....yes, that is possible...) For this second round, three people found the answer: congrats to Rhonda, St phane Blondon and Gregory Colpart.

14 September 2010

Gregory Colpart: Capture input/output of a process with gdb

My tip of day. When you lose control of a process (for example with a process launched with disown or, another example, when you close your SSH terminal with unsynced mutt), thanks gdb.
$ tty
$ gdb --pid= pidof mutt 
(gdb) call close(0)
(gdb) call close(1)
(gdb) call close(2)
(gdb) call open("/dev/pts/13", 2, 0)
(gdb) call dup(0)
(gdb) call dup(0)
(gdb) detach
Detaching from program: /usr/bin/mutt-org, process 2932
Thanks to this comment on for the original idea. Edit: correction on dup() calls. Thanks to Peter Pentchev for his explanation in comments.

17 July 2010

Gregory Colpart: Network connection with HTC Hero and Debian

I have an HTC Hero, an Android phone, for one year. But I never tried to share his network connection with my Debian laptop. To prepare my trip to Debconf10, I try it today and I m surprised because it s so easy! 1. Plug your phone on USB
2. Active Share your phone network on phone (in french: Partage du r seau mobile )
3. You see now an usb0 ethernet device:
usb0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr a2:17:af:4f:fa:da
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
4. Configure usb0 to have the network configuration with your favorite tool (ifconfig for example).
5. Now you can ping your phone with Use it as gateway and enjoy: your laptop is now connected with Wi-Fi, GPRS or 3G+! Note: I use HTC Hero with Android 1.5 (build number: and the french mobile phone provider Orange.

11 May 2009

Gregory Colpart: New GPG key

With last attacks against SHA-1 digest algo, I create a new GPG key (following instructions from Daniel Kahn Gillmor):
pub  4096R/B8612B5D 2009-05-10
uid  Gregory Colpart <>
uid  Gregory Colpart (Evolix) <>
uid  Gregory Colpart <>
sub  4096R/7D40310B 2009-05-11
A good excuse for beer^Wkey exchange next weeks :-)

3 May 2009

Gregory Colpart: Migration from GNU Arch to Git for Horde packages

All Horde packages (horde3, imp4, kronolith2 ) were in GNU Arch repository. After Lenny release, we decided to migrate to Git. Git has a lot cool features, and I was convinced by Pierre Habouzit talk about Packaging with Git. Technically, I used git-archimport to keep all history of packaging. Each package has a Git repository with some branches: upstream, upstream+patches, upstream+repack (if needed), pristine-tar, debian-sid (imported from GNU Arch) and debian-<release>. The hardest step was to set up a common ancestor for debian-sid and upstream branches: I found git-merge-unrelated-branch script to do it automagically. I write guidelines for packaging Horde with Git on Debian Wiki with some notes about migration from GNU Arch to Git. Comments welcome!

3 February 2009

Gregory Colpart: Delete facsimileTelephoneNumber attribute

ldapvi is so wonderful. No Java/Python/PHP for browsing LDAP trees and the power of vi for LDAP administration. Nevertheless, today I had difficulty for deleting a facsimileTelephoneNumber attribute:
$ ldapvi
Action? [yYqQvVebB*rsf+?] y
ldap_modify: Inappropriate matching (18)
additional info: modify/delete: facsimileTelephoneNumber: no equality matching rule
Here is the LDIF change tried by ldapvi:
dn: uid=foo,ou=people,dc=evolix,dc=net
changetype: modify
delete: facsimileTelephoneNumber
facsimileTelephoneNumber: 0000
After a little search on the web, I find the reason on openldap-bugs list archives:
Since the schema definition of facsimileTelephoneNumber has no matching rule
defined, the only modifications you can make are Replace or Delete w/ no
facsimileTelephone attribute actually doesn t have SYNTAX definition. See in core.ldif file:
Number olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME ( 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' 'fax' )
  DESC 'RFC2256: Facsimile (Fax) Telephone Number'
By default, ldapvi tries to delete a specific value (even if there is only one value) for an attribute. But according documentation, it s impossible to delete only one of values for facsimileTelephoneNumber attribute! Note: for deleting all values of facsimileTelephoneNumber attribute, the LDIF change must be:
dn: uid=foo,ou=people,dc=evolix,dc=net
changetype: modify
delete: facsimileTelephoneNumber

11 January 2009

Gregory Colpart: Set up IPv6 in Xen domU with nat-mode

I have a Xen dom0 with nat-mode and IPv6 enabled. Set up IPv6 in Xen domU is like a classical IPv6 network: add IPv6 addresses on vif interfaces on dom0 and IPv6 addresses on domU (manually or with radvd on dom0). The only tip is how adding IPv6 addresses on vif interfaces which are dynamically created by Xen. Here is my dirty hack to do it on /etc/xen/scripts/vif-nat file:
        [ "$dhcp" != 'no' ] && dhcp_up
        +# Add IPv6 addresses
        +[ "$vif_ip" = '' ] && ifconfig "$vif" add 2001:6f8:143d:1::101:1234/64
        +[ "$vif_ip" = '' ] && ifconfig "$vif" add 2001:6f8:143d:2::101:1234/64
Where $vif_ip is the IP address from domU configuration : vif=['ip=]. I think the best solution is adding ipv6 option to domU configuration. I will consider to open a wishlist bug for that.

10 September 2008

Gregory Colpart: History of my NM application

I apply (2007-07-26)
I am advocated (2007-07-26)
Mail from FD(myon) (2007-08-12)
I reply (2007-08-15)
FD(myon) says OK (2007-08-17)
AM assigned (2007-12-05)
First mails from my AM(white) (2007-12-06)
ID check done (2007-12-07)
P&P1 check done (2007-12-21)
P&P2 check done (2008-01-17)
T&S1 check done (2008-05-04)
T&S2 check done (2008-05-13)
AM report (2008-05-13)
FD(wouter) check done (2008-07-23)
DAM(myon) approval (2008-09-03)
Account created by DSA(weasel) (2008-09-08)
Debian Beer/Pastis Party in Marseille (2008-09-15) Thanks to all Debian people in particular opal, lmamane, white, madcoder, myon, wouter and weasel.

26 July 2008

Philipp Kern: Stable Point Release: Etch 4.0r4 (aka etchnhalf)

Another point release for Etch has been done; now it's the time for the CD team to roll out new images after the next mirror pulse. The official announcements (prepared by Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, thanks!) will follow shortly afterwards. FTP master of the day was Joerg Jaspert, who did his first point release since Woody, as he told us on IRC. We appreciate your work and you spending your time that shortly before going to Argentina. This point release includes the etchnhalf update introducing a new kernel image (based on 2.6.24) and some driver updates. Additionally the infamous openssl hole will be fixed for good, even for new installs. Again I want to present you a list of people who contributed to this release. It cannot be complete as I got the information out of the Changed-by fields of the uploads. From the Release Team we had dann frazier (who drove the important kernel part of etchnhalf), Luk Claes, Neil McGovern, Andreas Barth, Martin Zobel-Helas and me working on it. ;-)

12 April 2008

Philipp Kern: Wrapping up Sarge into a nice package

We escorted Sarge to its last home. 3.1r8 is done, thanks to all the people who made it possible. A big thanks goes to James Troup, our ftpmaster of the day doing all the grunt work of getting a new point release out of the door. To bring in a more personal feeling of who makes this all possible, here is a list of people contributing uploads to 3.1r8 (mostly people from our fabulous Security Team): I would also like to thank dann frazier, Luk Claes, Martin Zobel-Helas and Neil McGovern for helping with the preparation of the point release.

3 November 2006

Julien Danjou: DeFuBu contest #4

Bug Welcome to this 4th issue of the DeFuBu contest, the monthly championship of the funniest bug reported to the Debian BTS. The challengers How the vote has been done Four Debian related people voted for these bugs, Philipp Kern, Florent Bayle, Cyril Brulebois and Gregory Colpart.
Mohammed Adn ne Trojette should vote quicker next time. Full ranking Bugs Challengers The winners Notes To participate, simply drop me an email with a bug number. About DeFuBu

2 October 2006

Julien Danjou: DeFuBu contest #3

Bug Welcome to this 3rd issue of the DeFuBu contest, the monthly championship of the funniest bug reported to the Debian BTS. The challengers How the vote has been done Four Debian related people voted for these bugs: Pierre Machard, Pierre Habouzit, Florent Bayle and Mohammed Adn ne Trojette.
Samuel Hocevar did not vote because he was not paid for it. Full ranking Bugs Challengers The winners Notes To participate, simply drop me an email with a bug number. About DeFuBu