Search Results: "Giovanni Mascellani"

21 November 2020

Giovanni Mascellani: Having fun with signal handlers

As every C and C++ programmer knows far too well, if you dereference a pointer that points outside of the space mapped on your process' memory, you get a segmentation fault and your programs crashes. As far as the language itself is concerned, you don't have a second chance and you cannot know in advance whether that dereferencing operation is going to set a bomb off or not. In technical terms, you are invoking undefined behaviour, and you should never do that: you are responsible for knowing in advance if your pointers are valid, and if they are not you keep the pieces. However, turns out that most actual operating system give you a second chance, although with a lot of fine print attached. So I tried to implement a function that tries to dereference a pointer: if it can, it gives you the value; if it can't, it tells you it couldn't. Again, I stress this should never happen in a real program, except possibly for debugging (or for having fun). The prototype is
word_t peek(word_t *addr, int *success);
The function is basically equivalent to return *addr, except that if addr is not mapped it doesn't crash, and if success is not NULL it is set to 0 or 1 to indicate that addr was not mapped or mapped. If addr was not mapped the return value is meaningless. I won't explain it in detail to leave you some fun. Basically the idea is to install a handler for SIGSEGV: if the address is invalid, the handler is called, which basically fixes everything by advancing a little bit the instruction pointer, in order to skip the faulting instruction. The dereferencing instruction is written as hardcoded Assembly bytes, so that I know exactly how many bytes I need to skip. Of course this is very architecture-dependent: I wrote the i386 and amd64 variants (no x32). And I don't guarantee there are no bugs or subtelties! Another solution would have been to just parse /proc/self/maps before dereferencing and check whether the pointer is in a mapped area, but it would have suffered of a TOCTTOU problem: another thread might have changed the mappings between the time when /proc/self/maps was parsed and when the pointer was dereferenced (also, parsing that file can take a relatively long amount of time). Another less architecture-dependent but still not pure-C approach would have been to establish a setjmp before attempting the dereference and longjmp-ing back from the signal handler (but again you would need to use different setjmp contexts in different threads to exclude race conditions). Have fun! (and again, don't try this in real programs) EDIT I realized I should specify the language for source code highlighting to work decently. Now it's better! EDIT 2 I also realized that my version of peek has problems when there are other threads, because signal actions are per-process, not per-thread (as I initially thought). See the comments for a better version (though not perfect).
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdint.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ucontext.h>
#ifdef __i386__
typedef uint32_t word_t;
#define IP_REG REG_EIP
#define IP_REG_SKIP 3
#define READ_CODE __asm__ __volatile__(".byte 0x8b, 0x03\n"  /* mov (%ebx), %eax */ \
                                       ".byte 0x41\n"        /* inc %ecx */ \
                                       : "=a"(ret), "=c"(tmp) : "b"(addr), "c"(tmp));
#ifdef __x86_64__
typedef uint64_t word_t;
#define IP_REG REG_RIP
#define IP_REG_SKIP 6
#define READ_CODE __asm__ __volatile__(".byte 0x48, 0x8b, 0x03\n"  /* mov (%rbx), %rax */ \
                                       ".byte 0x48, 0xff, 0xc1\n"  /* inc %rcx */ \
                                       : "=a"(ret), "=c"(tmp) : "b"(addr), "c"(tmp));
static void segv_action(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *ucontext)  
    (void) sig;
    (void) info;
    ucontext_t *uctx = (ucontext_t*) ucontext;
    uctx->uc_mcontext.gregs[IP_REG] += IP_REG_SKIP;
struct sigaction peek_sigaction =  
    .sa_sigaction = segv_action,
    .sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO,
    .sa_mask = 0,
word_t peek(word_t *addr, int *success)  
    word_t ret;
    int tmp, res;
    struct sigaction prev_act;
    res = sigaction(SIGSEGV, &peek_sigaction, &prev_act);
    assert(res == 0);
    tmp = 0;
    res = sigaction(SIGSEGV, &prev_act, NULL);
    assert(res == 0);
    if (success)  
        *success = tmp;
    return ret;
int main()  
    int success;
    word_t number = 22;
    word_t value;
    number = 22;
    value = peek(&number, &success);
    printf("%d %d\n", success, value);
    value = peek(NULL, &success);
    printf("%d %d\n", success, value);
    value = peek((word_t*)0x1234, &success);
    printf("%d %d\n", success, value);
    return 0;

3 August 2020

Giovanni Mascellani: Bye bye Python 2!

And so, today, while I was browsing updates for my Debian unstable laptop, I noticed that aptitude wouldn't automatically upgrade python2 and related packages (I don't know why, and at this point don't care). So I decided to dare: I removed the python2 package to see what the dependency solver would have proposed me. It turned out that there was basically nothing I couldn't live without. So, bye bye Python 2. It was a long ride and I loved programming with you. But now it's the turn of your younger brother.
$ python
bash: python: comando non trovato
(guess what "comando non trovato" means?) And thanks to all those who made this possible!

11 June 2020

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in May 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in June) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Games
Debian Java Misc Debian LTS This was my 51. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 25 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: ELTS Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 Wheezy . This was my 24. month and I have been paid to work 9,25 hours on ELTS. Thanks for reading and see you next time.

13 April 2020

Giovanni Mascellani: DKIM for Debian Developers

What is DKIM? DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), as Wikipedia puts it, "is an email authentication method designed to detect forged sender addresses in emails (email spoofing), a technique often used in phishing and email spam". More prosaically, one of the reasons email spam is so abundant is that, given a certain email message, there is no simple way to know for certain who sent it and how reputable they are. So even if people having addresses are very nice and well-behaving, any random spammer can easily send emails from, and even if you trust people from you cannot easily configure your antispam filter to just accept all emails from, because spammers would get in too. Since nearly ten years DKIM is there to help you. If you send an email from with DKIM, it will have a header like this:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;
    s=vps.gio.user; t=1586779391;
The field is the domain this email claims to be from and the fields bh= and b= are a cryptographic public key signature certifying this fact. How do I check that the email is actually from I use the selector s=vps.gio.user to fetch the public key via DNS, and then use the public key to verify the signature.
$ host -t TXT descriptive text "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; h=sha256; p=" "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0s" "GtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB"
There it is! Debian declares in its DNS record that that key is authorized to sign outbound email from The spammer hopefully does not have access to Debian's DKIM keys, and they cannot sign emails. Many large and small email services have already deployed DKIM since years, while most emails still do not use it. Why not? Because people send emails from many different servers. Basically, every DD used their address sends email from their own mail server, and those mail servers (fortunately) do not have access to Debian's DNS record to install their DKIM keys. Well, that was true until yesterday! :-) A few weeks ago I poked DSA asking to allow any Debian Developer to install their DKIM keys, so that DDs could use DKIM to sign their emails and hopefully reduce the amount of spam sent from They have done it (thank you DSA very much, especially adsb), and now it is possible to use it! How do I configure it? I will not write here a full DKIM tutorial, there are many around. You have to use opendkim-genkey to generate a key and then configure your mail server to use opendkim to digitally sign outbound email. There are a few Debian-specific things you have to care about, though. First the have to choose a selector, which is a string used to distinguish many DKIM keys belonging to the same domain. Debian allows you to installa a key whose selector is <something>.<uid>.user, where <uid> is your Debian uid (this is done both for namespacing reasons and for exposing who might be abusing the system). So check carefully that your selector has this form. Then you cannot edit directly Debian's DNS record. But you can use the email-LDAP gateway on to install your key in a way similar to how entries in are handled (see the updated documentation). Specifically, suppose that opendkim-genkey generated the following thing for selector vps.gio.user and domain
vps.gio.user._domainkey IN  TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
      "ddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key vps.gio.user for
Then you have to carefully copy the content of the p= field (without being fooled by it being split between different strings) and construct a request of the form:
dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsM/W/kxtKWT58Eak0cfm/ntvurfbkkvugrG2jfvSMnHHkFyfJ34Xvn/HhQPLwX1QsjhuLV+tW+BQtxY7jxSABCee6nHQRBrpDej1t86ubw3CSrxcg1mzJI5BbL8un0cwYoBtUvhCYAZKarv1W2otCGs43L0sGtEqqtmYN/hIVVm4FcqeYS1cYrZxDsjPzCEocpYBhqHh1MTeUEddVmPHKZswzvllaWF0mgIXrfDNAE0LiX39aFKWtgvflrYFKiL4hCDnBcP2Mr71TVblfDY0wEdAEbGEJqHR1SxvWyn0UU1ZL4vTcylB/KJuV2gMhznOjbnQ6cjAhr2JYpweTYzz3wIDAQAB
and then send it GPG-signed to
echo 'dkimPubKey: vps.gio.user blahblahblah'   gpg --clearsign   mail
Then use host -t TXT to chech the key gets published (it will probably take some minutes/hours, I don't know). Once it is published, you can enable DKIM in you mail server and your email will be signed. Congratulations, you will not look like a spammer any more! You can send an email to to check that your setup is correct. They will reply with a report, including the success of DKIM test. Notice that currently Debian's setup only allows you to use RSA DKIM keys and doesn't allow you to set other DKIM fields (but you probably won't need to set them). EDIT DSA made an official announcement about DKIM support, which you might want to check out as well, together with its links. EDIT 2 Now ed25519 keys are supported, the syntax for specifying keys on LDAP is a little bit more flexible and you can also insert CNAME records. See the official documentation for the updated details. So we have solved our problems with spam? Ha, no! DKIM is only a small step. Useful, also because it enable other steps to be taken in the future, but small. In particular, DKIM enables you to say: "This particular email actually comes from", but doesn't tell anybody what to do with emails that are not signed. A third-party mail server might wonder whether emails are actually supposed to be signed or not. There is another standard for dealing with that, which is called DMARD, and I believe that Debian should eventually use it, but not now: the problem is that currently virtually no email from is signed with DKIM, so if DMARC was enabled other mail servers would start to nuke all emails, except those which are already signed, a minority. If people and services sending emails from will start configuring DKIM on their servers, which is now possible, it will eventually come a time when DMARC can be enabled, and spammers will find themselves unable to send forged emails. We are not there yet, but todays we are a little step closer than yesterday. Also, notice that having DKIM on only counters spam pretending to be from, but there is much more. The policy on what to accept is mostly independent on that on what you send. However, knowing that emails have DKIM and DMARC would mean that we can set our spam filters to be more aggressive in general, but whitelist official Debian Developers and services. And the same can be done for other domains using DKIM and DMARC. Finally, notice that some incompatibilities between DKIM and mailing lists are known, and do not have a definitive answer yet. Basically, most mailing list engines modify either the body of the headers in forwarded emails, which means that DKIM does not validate any more. There are many proposed solutions, possibly none completely satisfying, but since spam is not very satisfying as well, something will have to be worked out. I wrote a lot already, though, so I wont't discuss this here.

2 May 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 53 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between April 24th and 30th 2016. Media coverage Reproducible builds were mentioned explicitly in two talks at the Mini-DebConf in Vienna: Aspiration together with the OTF CommunityLab released their report about the Reproducible Builds summit in December 2015 in Athens. Toolchain fixes Now that the GCC development window has been opened again, the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH patch by Dhole and Matthias Klose to address the issue timestamps_from_cpp_macros (__DATE__ / __TIME__) has been applied upstream and will be released with GCC 7. Following that Matthias Klose also has uploaded gcc-5/5.3.1-17 and gcc-6/6.1.1-1 to unstable with a backport of that SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH patch. Emmanuel Bourg uploaded maven/3.3.9-4, which uses SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for the (SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification) Other upstream changes Alexis Bienven e submitted a patch to Sphinx which extends SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH support for copyright years in generated documentation. Packages fixed The following 12 packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: hhvm jcsp libfann libflexdock-java libjcommon-java libswingx1-java mobile-atlas-creator not-yet-commons-ssl plexus-utils squareness svnclientadapter The following packages have became reproducible after being fixed: Some uploads have fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Package reviews 95 reviews have been added, 15 have been updated and 129 have been removed in this week. 22 FTBFS bugs have been reported by Chris Lamb and Martin Michlmayr. diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development Misc. Amongst the 29 interns who will work on Debian through GSoC and Outreachy there are four who will be contributing to Reproducible Builds for Debian and Free Software. We are very glad to welcome ceridwen, Satyam Zode, Scarlett Clark and Valerie Young and look forward to working together with them the coming months (and maybe beyond)! This week's edition was written by Reiner Herrmann and Holger Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

4 September 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Debian activities in August 2011

This is my monthly summary of my Debian related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (91.44 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Dpkg work When I came back from Debconf, I merged my implementation of dpkg-source --commit (already presented last month). I continued some work on the hardening build flags but it s currently stalled waiting on Kees Cook to provide the required documentation to integrate in dpkg-buildflags(1). Following a discussion held during DebConf, Michael Prokop has been kind enough to setup a git-triggered auto-builder of dpkg (using Jenkins). You can now help us by testing the latest git version. Follow those instructions:
$ wget -O -   sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo sponge /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dpkg-git <<END
deb dpkg main
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
On the bug fixing side I took care of #640198 (minor man page update), #638291 (a fix to correctly handle hardlinks of conffiles), #637564 (the simplification logic of union dependencies was broken in some cases) and #631494 (interrupting dpkg-source while building a native source package left some temporary files around that should have been cleaned). WordPress update I released WordPress 3.2.1 in unstable (after having taken the time to test the updated package on my blog!) and fixed its RC bug (#625773). In the process I discovered a false positive in lintian (I reported it in 637473). Gnome-shell-timer package From time to time, I like to use the Pomodoro Technique. That s why I was an user of timer-applet in GNOME 2. Now with the switch to GNOME 3, I lost this feature. But I recently discovered gnome-shell-timer, a GNOME Shell extension that provides the same features. I created a Debian package of it and quickly filed some bugs while I was testing it (two usability issues and an encoding problem) QA Work During DebConf I met Giovanni Mascellani and he was interested to help the QA team. He started working on the backlog of bugs concerning the Package Tracking System (PTS) and submitted a bunch of patches. I reviewed them and merged them but since they were good, I quickly got lazy and got him added to the QA team so that he can commit his fixes alone. It also helps to build trust when you have had the opportunity to discuss face to face. :-) Vacation That s not so much compared to usual but to my defense I also took 2 weeks of vacation with my family. But somehow even in vacation I can t really forget Debian. Here s my son:
Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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1 June 2010

Debian News: New Debian Developers (May 2010)

The following developers got their Debian accounts in the last month: Congratulations!

30 May 2010

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2010/19 - 2010/21

as a short reminder that there are still a few RC bugs waiting to be fixed here's a short list of the ones I've worked on in the last time: