For quite some time perl provided a form of
declarations that
includes a type name, like this:
my Str $x = 'foo';
However, that didn't do anything useful, until Vincent Pit came along
and wrote the excellent
module, which allows you to extend the semantics of typed lexicals and
actually make them do something useful. For that, it simply invokes a
callback for every
declaration with a type in the scopes it is
loaded. Within that callback you get the variable that is being
declared as well as the name of the type used in the declaration.
We also have Moose type constraints and the great
MooseX::Types module,
that allows us to define our own type libraries and import the type
constraints into other modules.
Let's glue those modules together. Consider this code:
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int/;
use Lexical::Types;
my Int $x = 42;
The first problem is that the perl compiler expects a package with the
name of the type used in
to exist. If there's no such package
compilation will fail.
Creating top-level namespaces for all the types we want to use would
obviously suck. Luckily the compiler will also try to look for a
function with the name of the type in the current scope. If that
exists and is inlineable, it will call that function and use the
return value as a package name.
In the above code snippet an
function already exists. We
imported that from
. Unfortunately it isn't
inlineable. Even if it were, compilation would still fail, because it
would return a
instead of a valid
package name.
To fix that, let's rewrite the code to this:
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Int/;
use MooseX::Lexical::Types qw/Int/;
my Int $x = 42;
Let's also write a MooseX::Lexical::Types module that replaces
existing imported type exports with something that can be inlined and
returns an existing package name based on the type constraint's name.
package MooseX::Lexical::Types;
use Class::MOP;
use MooseX::Types::Util qw/has_available_type_export/;
use namespace::autoclean;
sub import
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $caller = caller();
my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($caller) Class::MOP::Class->initialize($caller);
for my $type_name (@args)
my $type_constraint = has_available_type_export($caller, $type_name);
my $package = 'MooseX::Lexical::Types::TYPE::' . $type_constraint->name;
$meta->add_package_symbol('&'.$type_name => sub () $package );
With that the example code now compiles. Unfortunately it breaks every
other usecase of MooseX::Types. The export will still need to return a
at run time so this will continue to
has some_attribute => (is => 'ro', isa => Int);
So instead of returning a plain package name from our exported
function we will return an object that delegates all method calls to
the actual type constraint, but evaluates to our special package name
when used as a string:
my $decorator = MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypeDecorator->new($type_constraint);
$meta->add_package_symbol('&'.$type_name => sub () $decorator );
package MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypeDecorator;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
extends 'MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator';
use overload '""' => sub
'MooseX::Lexical::Types::TYPE::' . $_[0]->__type_constraint->name
Now we're able to use
as usual and have Lexical::Types invoke
its callback on
. Within that
callback we will need the real type constraint again, but as it is
invoked as a class method with no good way to pass in additional
arguments, we will need to store the type constraint somewhere. I
choose to simply add a method to the type class we create when
constructing our export. After that, all we need is to implement our
Lexical::Types callback. We will put that in a class all our type
classes will inherit from:
$package => (
superclasses => ['MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypedScalar'],
methods =>
get_type_constraint => sub $type_constraint ,
The Lexical::Types callback will now need to tie things together by
modifying the declared variable so it will automatically validate
values against the type constraint when being assigned to. There are
several ways of doing this. Using
on the declared variable
would probable be the easiest thing to do. However, I decided to use
(also written by Vincent Pit - did I mention he's awesome?), because
it's mostly invisible at the perl level and also performs rather well
(not that it'd matter, given that validation itself is relatively
package MooseX::Lexical::Types::TypedScalar;
use Carp qw/confess/;
use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/;
use namespace::autoclean;
my $wiz = wizard
data => sub $_[1]->get_type_constraint ,
set => sub
if (defined (my $msg = $_[1]->validate($ $_[0] )))
confess $msg;
cast $_[1], $wiz, $_[0];
With this, our example code now works. If someone wants to assign,
to the variable declared as
my Int $x
our magic
callback will be invoked, try to validate the value against the type
constraint and fail loudly. WIN!
The code for all this is available
github and should also
be on CPAN shortly.
You might notice warnings about mismatching prototypes. Those are
caused by Class::MOP and fixed in the git version of it, so they'll go
away with the next release.
There's still a couple of caveats, but please see
the documentation
for that.