Evgeni Golov: Yes, new GPG key
So what did you expect? A new GPG/PGP key? Here it comes:
It's signed with my old AC15B50C and hopefully by others soon too.
Never thought my first post to Planet Debian would be about security, but well, it is like it is and I add the regular Hi Planet Debian! here at the end :)
pub 4096R/333961E8 2009-05-10
Key fingerprint = C575 A957 E819 BA18 BF07 E766 A1B0 9B42 3339 61E8
uid Evgeni Golov <evgeni@golov.de>
uid Evgeni Golov <sargentd@die-welt.net>
uid Evgeni Golov (Debian) <evgeni@debian.org>
uid Evgeni Golov (HHU Duesseldorf) <evgeni.golov@uni-duesseldorf.de>
uid Evgeni Golov (30doradus) <golov@30doradus.de>
sub 4096R/022DE268 2009-05-10
It's signed with my old AC15B50C and hopefully by others soon too.
Never thought my first post to Planet Debian would be about security, but well, it is like it is and I add the regular Hi Planet Debian! here at the end :)