Search Results: "Christian Hammers"

22 February 2007

Christian Perrier: fr: 99.908%, cs: 93.640%, de: 82.801%, sv: 80.317%, vi: 77.965%

Stats are progressing again, as expected, and they should continue to do so tomorrow as mysql-dfsg-5.0 and mixmaster were uploaded by Christian Hammers and Peter Palfrader respectively. 100% still hoped for Saturday, fingers crossed. Today's uploads: fontconfig (again as I screwed the first upload), towitoko and webcalendar. A giant call for updates has been sent for dbconfig-common, one of the biggest packages in those which use dbconfig-common (101 strings). A long delay is given to translators, given the size of the file, and Sean Finney will upload the package as of March 4th. I ponder sending a call for new translations for geneweb, my pet package, which "only" has 23 po-debconf translations..:)

7 March 2006

Norbert Tretkowski: Backport of mysql-dfsg broken on amd64

Mickael Marchand noticed a problem with the mysql-dfsg backport on amd64. I don't own such hardware, but fortunately Christian Hammers was able to reproduce that problem, which seems not to be Debian related, so he filed a bugreport to the MySQL bug tracking system.