my research I wanted to know how to
obtain the exact number of Debian developers. Thanks to help from Andreas Barth
and Manoj Srivastava, I can now document the procedure:
$ ldapsearch -xLLLH ldap:// -b ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org \
gidNumber=800 keyFingerPrint \
sed -rne ':s;/^dn:/bl;n;bs;:l;n;/^keyFingerPrint:/ p;bs ' \
wc -l
This actually seems enough as I do not recall any new maintainers being added
since the
last call for votes,
which gives 1049 as well.
Andreas told me to count the number of entries in LDAP with GID 800
and an
associated key in the Debian keyring. Manoj's
script also takes the Debian keyrings (GPG and PGP) into account, so I did the
$ ldapsearch -xLLLH ldap:// -b ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org \
gidNumber=800 keyFingerPrint \
sed -rne ':s;/^dn:/bl;n;bs;
:l;n;/^keyFingerPrint:/ s,keyFingerPrint: ,,p;bs ' \
sort -u > ldapfprs
$ rsync -az --progress \ \
$ gpg --homedir . --no-default-keyring --keyring debian-keyring.gpg \
--no-options --always-trust --no-permission-warning \
--no-auto-check-trustdb --armor --rfc1991 --fingerprint \
--fast-list-mode --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys \
sed -rne 's,^fpr:::::::::([[:xdigit:]]+):,\1,p' \
sort -u > gpgfprs
$ rsync -az --progress \ \
$ gpg --homedir . --no-default-keyring --keyring debian-keyring.pgp \
--no-options --always-trust --no-permission-warning \
--no-auto-check-trustdb --armor --rfc1991 --fingerprint \
--fast-list-mode --fixed-list-mode --list-keys \
sed -rne 's,^[[:space:]]+Key fingerprint = ,,;T;s,[[:space:]]+,,gp' \
sort -u > pgpfprs
$ sort ldapfprs pgpfprs gpgfprs uniq -c \
egrep -c '^[[:space:]]+2[[:space:]]'
MAN OVER BOARD! Who's the black sheep?
Update: In the initial post, I forgot the option
--fixed-list-mode and
hit a
minor bug in gnupg. I have since
updated the above commands. Thus, there is no more black sheep and the rest of
this post only lingers here for posterity.
while read i; do
grep "^$ i $" pgpfprs gpgfprs echo $i >&2
done < ldapfprs >/dev/null
which returns
$ gpg --list-keys 9BF093BC475BABF8B6AEA5F6D7C3F131AB2A91F5
pub 4096R/AB2A91F5 2004-08-20
uid James Troup <>
our very own keyring master James Troup.
So has James subverted the project? Is he actually not a Debian developer?
Given the position(s) he holds, does that mean that the project is
Ha! I am so tempted to end right here, but since my readers are used to
getting all the facts, here's the deal:
James is so special that he gets to be the only one to have a key in our GPG
keyring which can be used for encryption, or so I found out as I was
researching this. Now this
bug in gnupg
actually causes his fingerprint
not to be printed. Until this is fixed (if
ever), simply leave out
--fast-list-mode in the above commands.