Search Results: "Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta"

7 April 2017

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: openvpn deployment with Debian Stretch

Debian Openvpn Debian Stretch feels like an excellent release by the Debian project. The final stable release is about to happen in the short term. Among the great things you can do with Debian, you could set up a VPN using the openvpn software. In this blog post I will describe how I ve deployed myself an openvpn server using Debian Stretch, my network environment and my configurations & workflow. Before all, I would like to reference my requisites and the characteristics of what I needed: I agree this is a rather complex scenario and not all the people will face these requirements. The service diagram has this shape: VPN diagram (DIA source file) So, it works like this:
  1. clients connect via internet to our openvpn server,
  2. the openvpn server validates the connection and the tunnel is established (green)
  3. now the client is virtually inside our network (blue)
  4. the client wants to access some intranet resource, the tunnel traffic is NATed (red)
Our datacenter intranet is using public IPv4 addressing, but the VPN tunnels use private IPv4 addresses. To don t mix public and private address NAT is used. Obviously we don t want to invest public IPv4 addresses in our internal tunnels. We don t have this limitations in IPv6, we could use public IPv6 addresses within the tunnels. But we prefer sticking to a hard dual stack IPv4/IPv6 approach and also use private IPv6 addresses inside the tunnels and also NAT the IPv6 from private to public. This way, there are no differences in how IPv4 and IPv6 network are managed. We follow this approach for the addressing: The NAT runs in the VPN server, since this is kind of a router. We use nftables for this task. As the final win, I will describe how we manage all this configuration using the git version control system. Using git we can track which admin made which change. A git hook will deploy the files from the git repo itself to /etc/ so the services can read them. The VPN server networking configuration is as follows (/etc/network/interfaces file, adjust to your network environments):
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# main public IPv4 address of
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        address x.x.x.4
        gateway x.x.x.1
# main public IPv6 address of
iface eth0 inet6 static
        address x:x:x:x::4
        netmask 64
        gateway x:x:x:x::1
# NAT Public IPv4 addresses (used to NAT tunnel of client 1)
auto eth0:11
iface eth0:11 inet static
        address x.x.x.11
# NAT Public IPv6 addresses (used to NAT tunnel of client 1)
iface eth0:11 inet6 static
        address x:x:x:x::11
        netmask 64
# NAT Public IPv4 addresses (used to NAT tunnel of client 2)
auto eth0:12
iface eth0:12 inet static
        address x.x.x.12
# NAT Public IPv6 addresses (used to NAT tunnel of client 2)
iface eth0:12 inet6 static
        address x:x:x:x::12
        netmask 64
Thanks to the amazing and tireless work of the Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta (DD), the openvpn package in debian is in very good shape, ready to use. In, install the required packages:
% sudo aptitude install openvpn openvpn-auth-ldap nftables git sudo
Two git repositories will be used, one for the openvpn configuration and another for nftables (the nftables config is described later):
% sudo mkdir -p /srv/git/
% sudo git init --bare /srv/git/
% sudo mkdir -p /srv/git/
% sudo git init --bare /srv/git/
% sudo chown -R :git /srv/git/*
% sudo chmod -R g+rw /srv/git/*
The repositories belong to the git group, a system group we create to let systems admins operate the server using git:
% sudo addgroup --system git
% sudo adduser admin1 git
% sudo adduser admin2 git
For the openvpn git repository, we need at least this git hook (file /srv/git/ with execution permission):
UNAME=$(uname -n)
        echo "$ UNAME  $ NAME  $1 ..."
info "checkout latest data to $GIT_WORK_TREE"
sudo git checkout -f
info "cleaning untracked files and dirs at $GIT_WORK_TREE"
sudo git clean -f -d
For this hook to work, sudo permissions are required (file /etc/sudoers.d/openvpn-git):
User_Alias      OPERATORS = admin1, admin2
Defaults        env_keep += "GIT_WORK_TREE"
OPERATORS       ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/git checkout -f
OPERATORS       ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/git clean -f -d
Please review this sudoers file to match your environment and security requirements. The openvpn package deploys several systemd services:
% dpkg -L openvpn   grep service
We don t need all of them, we can use the simple openvpn.service:
% sudo systemctl edit --full openvpn.service
And put a content like this:
% systemctl cat openvpn.service
# /etc/systemd/system/openvpn.service
Description=OpenVPN server
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openvpn --daemon ovpn --status /run/openvpn/%i.status 10 --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf --writepid /run/openvpn/
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
DeviceAllow=/dev/null rw
DeviceAllow=/dev/net/tun rw
We can move on now to configure nftables to perform the NATs. First, it s good to load the NAT configuration at boot time, so you need a service file like this (/etc/systemd/system/nftables.service):
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nft -f ruleset.nft
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/nft -f ruleset.nft
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/nft flush ruleset
The nftables git hooks are implemented as described in nftables managed with git. We are interested in the git hooks: (file /srv/git/
RULESET="$ NFT_ROOT /ruleset.nft"
UNAME=$(uname -n)
        echo "$ UNAME  $ NAME  $1 ..."
info "checkout latest data to $GIT_WORK_TREE"
sudo git checkout -f
info "cleaning untracked files and dirs at $GIT_WORK_TREE"
sudo git clean -f -d
info "deploying new ruleset"
set -e
cd $NFT_ROOT && sudo nft -f $RULESET
info "new ruleset deployment was OK"
This hook moves our nftables configuration to /etc/nftables.d and then applies it to the kernel. So a single commit changes the runtime configuration of the server. You could implement some QA using the git hook update, check this file! Remember, git hooks requires exec permissions to work. Of course, you will need again a sudo policy for these nft hooks. Finally, we can start configuring both openvpn and nftables using git. For the VPN you will require the configure the PKI side: server certificates, and the CA signing your client s certificates. You can check openvpn s own documentation about this. Your first commit for openvpn could be the server.conf file:
plugin		/usr/lib/openvpn/ common-auth
mode		server
user		nobody
group		nogroup
port		1194
proto		udp6
cert		/etc/ssl/private/vpn.example.com_pub.crt
key		/etc/ssl/private/vpn.example.com_priv.pem
ca		/etc/ssl/cacert/clients_ca.pem
dh		/etc/ssl/certs/dh2048.pem
cipher		AES-128-CBC
dev		tun
topology	subnet
server-ipv6	fd00:0:1:35::/64
client-config-dir ccd
max-clients	100
inactive	43200
keepalive	10 360
log-append	/var/log/openvpn.log
status		/var/log/openvpn-status.log
status-version	1
verb		4
mute		20
Don t forget the ccd/ directory. This directory contains a file per user using the VPN service. Each file is named after the CN of the client certificate:
# private addresses for client 1
ifconfig-ipv6-push	fd00:0:1::11/64
# routes to the intranet network
push "route-ipv6 x:x:x:x::/64"
push "route x.x.3.128"
# private addresses for client 2
ifconfig-ipv6-push	fd00:0:1::12/64
# routes to the intranet network
push "route-ipv6 x:x:x:x::/64"
push "route x.x.3.128"
You end with at leats these files in the openvpn git tree:
Please note that if you commit a change to ccd/, the changes are read at runtime by openvpn. In the other hand, changes to server.conf require you to restart the openvpn service by hand. Remember, the addressing is like this: Addressing (DIA source file) In the nftables git tree, you should put a ruleset like this (a single file named ruleset.nft is valid):
flush ruleset
table ip nat  
	map mapping_ipv4_snat  
		type ipv4_addr : ipv4_addr
		elements = : x.x.x.11, : x.x.x.12  
	map mapping_ipv4_dnat  
		type ipv4_addr : ipv4_addr
		elements =  	x.x.x.11 :,
				x.x.x.12 :  
	chain prerouting  
		type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
		dnat to ip daddr map @mapping_ipv4_dnat
	chain postrouting  
		type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
		oifname "eth0" snat to ip saddr map @mapping_ipv4_snat
table ip6 nat  
	map mapping_ipv6_snat  
		type ipv6_addr : ipv6_addr
		elements =  	fd00:0:1::11 : x:x:x::11,
				fd00:0:1::12 : x:x:x::12  
	map mapping_ipv6_dnat  
		type ipv6_addr : ipv6_addr
		elements =  	x:x:x::11 : fd00:0:1::11,
				x:x:x::12 : fd00:0:1::12  
	chain prerouting  
		type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
		dnat to ip6 daddr map @mapping_ipv6_dnat
	chain postrouting  
		type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
		oifname "eth0" snat to ip6 saddr map @mapping_ipv6_snat
table inet filter  
	chain forward  
		type filter hook forward priority 0; policy accept;
		# some forwarding filtering policy, if required, for both IPv4 and IPv6
Since the server is in fact routing packets between the tunnel and the public network, we require forwarding enabled in sysctl:
net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Of course, the VPN clients will require a client.conf file which looks like this:
remote 1194
dev tun
proto udp
resolv-retry infinite
verb 5
user nobody
group nogroup
ca      /etc/ssl/cacert/server_ca.crt
pkcs12  /home/user/mycertificate.p12
verify-x509-name name
cipher AES-128-CBC
Workflow for the system admins:
  1. git clone the openvpn repo
  2. modify ccd/ and server.conf
  3. git commit the changes, push to the server
  4. if server.conf was modified, restart openvpn
  5. git clone the nftables repo
  6. modify ruleset
  7. git commit the changes, push to the server
Comments via email welcome!

20 September 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 73 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday September 11 and Saturday September 17 2016: Toolchain developments Ximin Luo started a new series of tools called (for now) debrepatch, to make it easier to automate checks that our old patches to Debian packages still apply to newer versions of those packages, and still make these reproducible. Ximin Luo updated one of our few remaining patches for dpkg in #787980 to make it cleaner and more minimal. The following tools were fixed to produce reproducible output: Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed The following updated packages have become reproducible - in our current test setup - after being fixed: The following updated packages appear to be reproducible now, for reasons we were not able to figure out. (Relevant changelogs did not mention reproducible builds.) The following 3 packages were not changed, but have become reproducible due to changes in their build-dependencies: jaxrs-api python-lua zope-mysqlda. Some uploads have addressed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet: Reviews of unreproducible packages 462 package reviews have been added, 524 have been updated and 166 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 25 issue types have been updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development A new version of diffoscope 60 was uploaded to unstable by Mattia Rizzolo. It included contributions from: It also included from changes previous weeks; see either the changes or commits linked above, or previous blog posts 72 71 70. strip-nondeterminism development New versions of strip-nondeterminism 0.027-1 and 0.028-1 were uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: disorderfs development A new version of disorderfs 0.5.1 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: It also included from changes previous weeks; see either the changes or commits linked above, or previous blog posts 70. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC.

15 June 2011

Christian Perrier: So, what happened with Kikithon?

I mentioned this briefly yesterday, but now I'll try to summarize the story of a great surprise and a big moment for me. All this started when my wife Elizabeth and my son Jean-Baptiste wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday. So, it indeed all started months ago, probably early March or something (I don't yet have all the details). Jean-Baptiste described this well on the web site, so I won't go again into details, but basically, this was about getting birthday wishes from my "free software family" in, as you might guess, as many languages as possible. Elizabeth brought the original idea and JB helped her by setting up the website and collecting e-mail addresses of people I usually work with: he grabbed addresses from PO files on Debian website, plus some in his own set of GPG signatures and here we go. And then he started poking dozens of you folks in order to get your wishes for this birthday. Gradually, contributions accumulated on the website, with many challenges for them: be sure to get as many people as possible, poking and re-poking all those FLOSS people who keep forgetting things... It seems that poking people is something that's probably in the Perrier's genes! And they were doing all this without me noticing. As usually in Debian, releasing on time is a no-no. So, it quickly turned out that having everything ready by April 2nd wouldn't be possible. So, their new goal was offering this to me on Pentecost Sunday, which was yesterday. comes the gift. Aha, this looks like a photo album. Could it be a "50 years of Christian" album? But, EH, why is that pic of me, with the red Debconf5 tee-shirt (that features a world map) and a "bubulle" sign, in front of the book? But, EH EH EH, what the .... are doing these word by H0lger, then Fil, then Joey doing on the following pages? And only then, OMG, I discover the real gift they prepared. 106, often bilingual, wishes from 110 people (some were couples!). 18 postcards (one made of wood). 45 languages. One postcard with wishes from nearly every distro representatives at LinuxTag 2011. Dozens of photos from my friends all around the world. All this in a wonderful album. I can't tell what I said. Anyway, JB was shooting a video, so...we'll see. OK, I didn't cry...but it wasn't that far and emotion was really really intense. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, took me a while to realize what you contributed to. It took me the entire afternoon to realize the investment put by Elizabeth and JB (and JB's sisters support) into this. Yes, as many of you wrote, I have an awesome family and they really know how to share their love. I also have an awesome virtual family all around the world. Your words are wholeheartedly appreciated and some were indeed much much much appreciated. Of course, I'll have the book in Banja Luka so that you can see the result. I know (because JB and Elizabeth told me) that many of you were really awaiting to see how it would be received (yes, that includes you, in Germany, who I visited in early May!!!). Again, thank you so much for this incredible gift. Thank you Holger Levsen, Phil Hands, Joey Hess, Lior Kaplan, Martin Michlmayr, Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta, Kenshi "best friend" Muto, Praveen Arimbrathodiyil, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Ana Carolina Comandulli (5 postcards!), Stefano Zacchiroli (1st contribution received by JB, of course), Gunnar Wolf, Enriiiiiico Zini, Clytie Siddall, Frans Pop (by way of Clytie), Tenzin Dendup, Otavio Salvador, Neil McGovern, Konstantinos Margaritis, Luk Claes, Jonas Smedegaard, Pema Geyleg, Meike "sp tzle queen" Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, Torsten Werner, "nette BSD" folks, CentOS Ralph and Brian, Fedora people, SUSE's Jan, Ubuntu's Lucia Tamara, Skolelinux' Paul, Rapha l Hertzog, Lars Wirzenius, Andrew McMillan (revenge in September!), Yasa Giridhar Appaji Nag (now I know my name in Telugu), Amaya Rodrigo, St phane Glondu, Martin Krafft, Jon "maddog" Hall (and God save the queen), Eddy Petri or, Daniel Nylander, Aiet Kolkhi, Andreas "die Katze geht in die K che, wunderbar" Tille, Paul "lets bend the elbow" Wise, Jordi "half-marathon in Banja Luka" Mallach, Steve "as ever-young as I am" Langasek, Obey Arthur Liu, YAMANE Hideki, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Vikram Vincent, Margarita "Bronx cross-country queen" Manterola, Patty Langasek, Aigars Mahinovs (finding a pic *with* you on it is tricky!), Thepittak Karoonboonyanan, Javier "nobody expects the Spanish inquisition" Fern ndez-Sanguino, Varun Hiremath, Moray Allan, David Moreno Garza, Ralf "marathon-man" Treinen, Arief S Fitrianto, Penny Leach, Adam D. Barrat, Wolfgang Martin Borgert, Christine "the mentee overtakes the mentor" Spang, Arjuna Rao Chevala, Gerfried "my best contradictor" Fuchs, Stefano Canepa, Samuel Thibault, Eloy "first samba maintainer" Par s, Josip Rodin, Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Steve McIntyre, Guntupalli Karunakar, Jano Gulja , Karolina Kali , Ben Hutchings, Matej Kova i , Khoem Sokhem, Lisandro "I have the longest name in this list" Dami n Nicanor P rez-Meyer, Amanpreet Singh Alam, H ctor Or n, Hans Nordhaugn, Ivan Mas r, Dr. Tirumurti Vasudevan, John "yes, Kansas is as flat as you can imagine" Goerzen, Jean-Baptiste "Piwet" Perrier, Elizabeth "I love you" Perrier, Peter Eisentraut, Jesus "enemy by nature" Climent, Peter Palfrader, Vasudev Kamath, Miroslav "Chicky" Ku e, Mart n Ferrari, Ollivier Robert, Jure uhalev, Yunqiang Su, Jonathan McDowell, Sampada Nakhare, Nayan Nakhare, Dirk "rendez-vous for Chicago marathon" Eddelbuettel, Elian Myftiu, Tim Retout, Giuseppe Sacco, Changwoo Ryu, Pedro Ribeoro, Miguel "oh no, not him again" Figueiredo, Ana Guerrero, Aur lien Jarno, Kumar Appaiah, Arangel Angov, Faidon Liambotis, Mehdi Dogguy, Andrew Lee, Russ Allbery, Bj rn Steensrud, Mathieu Parent, Davide Viti, Steinar H. Gunderson, Kurt Gramlich, Vanja Cvelbar, Adam Conrad, Armi Be irovi , Nattie Mayer-Hutchings, Joerg "dis shuld be REJECTed" Jaspert and Luca Capello. Let's say it gain:

13 June 2011

Christian Perrier: So, what happened with Kikithon?

I mentioned this briefly yesterday, but now I'll try to summarize the story of a great surprise and a big moment for me. All this started when my wife Elizabeth and my son Jean-Baptiste wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday. So, it indeed all started months ago, probably early March or something (I don't yet have all the details). Jean-Baptiste described this well on the web site, so I won't go again into details, but basically, this was about getting birthday wishes from my "free software family" in, as you might guess, as many languages as possible. Elizabeth brought the original idea and JB helped her by setting up the website and collecting e-mail addresses of people I usually work with: he grabbed addresses from PO files on Debian website, plus some in his own set of GPG signatures and here we go. And then he started poking dozens of you folks in order to get your wishes for this birthday. Gradually, contributions accumulated on the website, with many challenges for them: be sure to get as many people as possible, poking and re-poking all those FLOSS people who keep forgetting things... It seems that poking people is something that's probably in the Perrier's genes! And they were doing all this without me noticing. As usually in Debian, releasing on time is a no-no. So, it quickly turned out that having everything ready by April 2nd wouldn't be possible. So, their new goal was offering this to me on Pentecost Sunday, which was yesterday. comes the gift. Aha, this looks like a photo album. Could it be a "50 years of Christian" album? But, EH, why is that pic of me, with the red Debconf5 tee-shirt (that features a world map) and a "bubulle" sign, in front of the book? But, EH EH EH, what the .... are doing these word by H0lger, then Fil, then Joey doing on the following pages? And only then, OMG, I discover the real gift they prepared. 106, often bilingual, wishes from 110 people (some were couples!). 18 postcards (one made of wood). 45 languages. One postcard with wishes from nearly every distro representatives at LinuxTag 2011. Dozens of photos from my friends all around the world. All this in a wonderful album. I can't tell what I said. Anyway, JB was shooting a video, so...we'll see. OK, I didn't cry...but it wasn't that far and emotion was really really intense. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, took me a while to realize what you contributed to. It took me the entire afternoon to realize the investment put by Elizabeth and JB (and JB's sisters support) into this. Yes, as many of you wrote, I have an awesome family and they really know how to share their love. I also have an awesome virtual family all around the world. Your words are wholeheartedly appreciated and some were indeed much much much appreciated. Of course, I'll have the book in Banja Luka so that you can see the result. I know (because JB and Elizabeth told me) that many of you were really awaiting to see how it would be received (yes, that includes you, in Germany, who I visited in early May!!!). Again, thank you so much for this incredible gift. Thank you Holger Levsen, Phil Hands, Joey Hess, Lior Kaplan, Martin Michlmayr, Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta, Kenshi "best friend" Muto, Praveen Arimbrathodiyil, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Ana Carolina Comandulli (5 postcards!), Stefano Zacchiroli (1st contribution received by JB, of course), Gunnar Wolf, Enriiiiiico Zini, Clytie Siddall, Frans Pop (by way of Clytie), Tenzin Dendup, Otavio Salvador, Neil McGovern, Konstantinos Margaritis, Luk Claes, Jonas Smedegaard, Pema Geyleg, Meike "sp tzle queen" Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, Torsten Werner, "nette BSD" folks, CentOS Ralph and Brian, Fedora people, SUSE's Jan, Ubuntu's Lucia Tamara, Skolelinux' Paul, Rapha l Hertzog, Lars Wirzenius, Andrew McMillan (revenge in September!), Yasa Giridhar Appaji Nag (now I know my name in Telugu), Amaya Rodrigo, St phane Glondu, Martin Krafft, Jon "maddog" Hall (and God save the queen), Eddy Petri or, Daniel Nylander, Aiet Kolkhi, Andreas "die Katze geht in die K che, wunderbar" Tille, Paul "lets bend the elbow" Wise, Jordi "half-marathon in Banja Luka" Mallach, Steve "as ever-young as I am" Langasek, Obey Arthur Liu, YAMANE Hideki, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Vikram Vincent, Margarita "Bronx cross-country queen" Manterola, Patty Langasek, Aigars Mahinovs (finding a pic *with* you on it is tricky!), Thepittak Karoonboonyanan, Javier "nobody expects the Spanish inquisition" Fern ndez-Sanguino, Varun Hiremath, Moray Allan, David Moreno Garza, Ralf "marathon-man" Treinen, Arief S Fitrianto, Penny Leach, Adam D. Barrat, Wolfgang Martin Borgert, Christine "the mentee overtakes the mentor" Spang, Arjuna Rao Chevala, Gerfried "my best contradictor" Fuchs, Stefano Canepa, Samuel Thibault, Eloy "first samba maintainer" Par s, Josip Rodin, Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Steve McIntyre, Guntupalli Karunakar, Jano Gulja , Karolina Kali , Ben Hutchings, Matej Kova i , Khoem Sokhem, Lisandro "I have the longest name in this list" Dami n Nicanor P rez-Meyer, Amanpreet Singh Alam, H ctor Or n, Hans Nordhaugn, Ivan Mas r, Dr. Tirumurti Vasudevan, John "yes, Kansas is as flat as you can imagine" Goerzen, Jean-Baptiste "Piwet" Perrier, Elizabeth "I love you" Perrier, Peter Eisentraut, Jesus "enemy by nature" Climent, Peter Palfrader, Vasudev Kamath, Miroslav "Chicky" Ku e, Mart n Ferrari, Ollivier Robert, Jure uhalev, Yunqiang Su, Jonathan McDowell, Sampada Nakhare, Nayan Nakhare, Dirk "rendez-vous for Chicago marathon" Eddelbuettel, Elian Myftiu, Tim Retout, Giuseppe Sacco, Changwoo Ryu, Pedro Ribeoro, Miguel "oh no, not him again" Figueiredo, Ana Guerrero, Aur lien Jarno, Kumar Appaiah, Arangel Angov, Faidon Liambotis, Mehdi Dogguy, Andrew Lee, Russ Allbery, Bj rn Steensrud, Mathieu Parent, Davide Viti, Steinar H. Gunderson, Kurt Gramlich, Vanja Cvelbar, Adam Conrad, Armi Be irovi , Nattie Mayer-Hutchings, Joerg "dis shuld be REJECTed" Jaspert and Luca Capello. Let's say it gain:

12 April 2008

Philipp Kern: Wrapping up Sarge into a nice package

We escorted Sarge to its last home. 3.1r8 is done, thanks to all the people who made it possible. A big thanks goes to James Troup, our ftpmaster of the day doing all the grunt work of getting a new point release out of the door. To bring in a more personal feeling of who makes this all possible, here is a list of people contributing uploads to 3.1r8 (mostly people from our fabulous Security Team): I would also like to thank dann frazier, Luk Claes, Martin Zobel-Helas and Neil McGovern for helping with the preparation of the point release.

26 March 2007

Joachim Breitner: Debian Ideas: Instance-Capable Init Scripts

Debian as a Linux distrubtion is all about integration and ease of management, which includes init-scripts. I d like to propose a feature that might be helpful to quite a few system administrators while being non-disruptive to all others.For a lot of daemons there are use-cases that require more than one instance of the daemon to be running. With instance I mean a separate process with it s own configuration files, but on the same system, which rules out virtualisation or changeroots. Examples are copies of the main server running on a different port, to test new settings, different servers on different IPs, a HTTP-Server-Split into a slick static-and-proxying server and a heavy backend server, a mail server split with a virus scanner in between etc.So as an administrator I currently not only have to write the configuration for the additional instances, but also write my own init scripts and modify them, never being sure if I did it good or whether it will cause problems on package upgrade or similar things. I d rather see the functionality built-in to the package s init script directly.There is a package in Debian that already provides this: The OpenVPN package maintained by Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta allows the user to define new instances of OpenVPN simply by adding a new file to /etc/openvpn/. The file /etc/default/openvpn defines which of these instances are to be started when I or the system start runs /etc/init.d/openvpn start. /etc/init.d/openvpn stop stops all running instances and /etc/init.d/openvpn restart also restarts just the currently running servers. I can easily control a specific instance by adding it s name (which is the configuration file s basename) after the command to the init script.I think these semantics are clear, sensible and non-disruptive and should be available with every Debian package where the administrator might want to run several instances at once: web server, mail server, ftp servers, name servers etc.In those cases where the daemon is not configured by a single file alone, one directory with the configuration for one instance is needed. Otherwise, I don t see why this should be a problem. For backwards compatibility, the normal configuration file locaction could be an implicit instance called default and all additional instances go to their own directory (e.g /etc/ntpd.conf is instance default , and /etc/ntpd/public.conf is instance public ).Comments welcome.

21 January 2007

Daniel Baumann: Re: Package Maintenance

My last entry is maybe not so well understandable. In a mail between Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta and me, he put it in much better words than I could:
	Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:05:29 +0100
	From: Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <>
	To: Daniel Baumann <>
	Subject: Re: [late]Thanks for your work
	On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 01:08:48PM +0100, Daniel Baumann wrote:
	> Hi agi,
	> the orphaning of some packages wasn't ment as a signal to get 'please
	> thank me' or so, nevertheless, thanks for your mail.
	I know it wasn't meant to be that. But I really appreciate the work of
	some DDs, specially those that do their job, mind their businesses AND
	don't make of it a power position. Those hundreds of DDs or the like,
	that simply like this as is, and don't make of it a power struggle or a
	cabal thing. And you are one of them, as others I could name are.
	> I was taking care about 2 to 5 hours every day and nearly all of the
	> weekends to keep my packages in shape. All I got from this is rants
	> withouth any concrete background like 'look at him, he has so much
	> packages, they can't be good. They must be crap, it's impossible for one
	> person'. Also, some people in Debian do have a problem when people do
	> more than they do themself, and they're hating the others for that.
	Yep, that's what I meant. Those that are looking for competition... In
	a free software community. Morons.
	> Now, I'm just tired of that and went down from ~150 to ~100 packages. I
	> think, I did not point that out very clearly.
However, I am not going MIA now. I still care about my packages, but for a smaller number of them (reducing them in a second orphaning round down to ~50 in a few weeks). And don't worry, there will be no more entries about this topic from me. Thanks Alberto and the few others who replied.

7 November 2005

Adeodato Sim : New email address

From now on, I’ll be using dato(at) as my main address, instead of asp16(at) (But this second one, provided by my Uni, will continue to work for some more years, and not unlikely forever.) I was not that dissatisfied with the MX host for, but it has been getting on my nerves on occasion during the last five years, so I decided it was better for my health to make the change. Kudos to Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta (agi@d.o) for being my postmaster from now on, since I really didn’t feel like running my own mailserver. The story behind is certainly not unrelated to this Google search.