Search Results: "Richard Hartmann"

3 August 2013

Richard Hartmann: Death of a slowly demising platform

Let's assume you have been running a platform for over a decade. Let's assume you used to be one of the cornerstones, one of the central pillars, maybe even part of the very foundation FLOSS was built upon. Let's assume you slept through several major shifts and stopped innovating a long time ago (along with your other large sister project, owned by the same people). Let's assume you realize all this. You then try and get your act together, work over your feature set, create a UI that's easy and pleasant to use, encourage collaboration, visualize important data, and otherwise revamp yourself, start innovating again and regain your status of a platform which really matters. Or you just do this and call it a day.

31 July 2013

Richard Hartmann:

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Subject: Test
From: Richard Hartmann <>
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Richard Hartmann: vcsh v1.20130724

vcsh has seen a lot of activity in recent times and today's release of vcsh 1.20130724 contains a lot of useful new features. In case you haven't tried vcsh yet, or not recently, now is a very good time to do so. vcsh has been trivial to use for at least a year now, but the documentation did a very poor job of exposing that fact. Which is why there's now a 30 second howto which will get you up to speed and commiting in no time. The rest of the docs have undergone a major rewrite, as well. Feature-wise, there's If vcsh pull, vcsh push, and vcsh status sound a bit like a poor man's myrepos (formerly know as mr), that's by design. On the one hand, this enables vcsh to handle pratically all aspects of configuration management. One tool for everything On the other hand, even if you use myrepos (like I still do and will continue to do), this gives you a quick and cheap way to operate on configuration repositories, only. Especially if you're in a hurry or on a cellular connection, you may not want to pull in all changes from all remotes. If the Linux kernel or other large projects are part of your normal myrepos setup, updating them all takes time and bandwidth. Contrary to that, configuration repositories tend to be lightweight. Updating those selectively simply makes sense. Debian unstable carries the current package, Homebrew should carry it soon. Arch AUR and Fedora are getting there. And as vcsh is written in POSIX shell, it does not need to be compiled but can be run directly from a git clone without the need for installation. Did I mention that this is the perfect time to try out vcsh? ;)

26 June 2013

Richard Hartmann: Too much security

So, regarding my cry for help... I did get several replies and did more research on my own. The TL;DR up to now is "I have a fully functioning device with no input method and my data may well die on it": The last two options I see are And I can not even be reached under my normal number as I don't dare turning the device off and/or removing the SIM as that may prevent me from recovering with the running device, somehow.

13 June 2013

Richard Hartmann: Another one eats a brick

Dear lazyweb, my Nexus 4 just ate a brick and the screen is so broken that the capacitative sensing stopped working completely. That sucks a bit, especially considering that you can't really replace the screen according to ifixit... What sucks more is this: As my phone is both encrypted and passphrase-protected, I can't access my photos. Yes, yes, I should have set up git-annex on it by now, but that's of no help now. So... How do I get my data off of that phone? Again, I don't really care about much other than my photos.

31 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 21

Hopefully hiding this post will work this time. Apologies if not. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11 24 (19+5) +24 (+19/+5)
18 release+12 2 (2+0) +2 (+2/+0)
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

26 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: Full House

Even though I only flew to and from Berlin for a single day due to time constraints at work, my first attendance at LinuxTag was a nice experience. Everything was organized rather well and people seemed to be having fun. The event itself has a decidedly commercial tone to it with lots of actual companies present both at booths and during talks. Also, there was a distinct lack of anything resembling a hackerspace, i.e. chairs, tables and power outlets. My talk has been received rather well, having both the highest attendance of all talks I went to during LinuxTag and the highest attendance of all of my own talks to date. When I began there were 105 people in the room excluding myself. During the talk there was a constant trickle of people entering which led to several people standing at the back and others sitting on the ground. With a grand total of two people leaving early, I guesstimate 130+ people have attended. As you can see on the photo below the percentage of attendees who are looking into their laptops/cell phones and not really paying attention was, once again, very low: Audience during my 'Gitify your life' talk at LinuxTag 2013 Now if only I could find a way to track how many of them did actually sat down afterwards and looked at the tools presented... Sadly, there was no video recording of the talk, but I may be able to get my hands at the video material recorded during OSD2013.

22 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: LinuxTag

Finally arrived at LinuxTag after an extended flight delay. Turns out that speakers get 5 free tickets and I have no idea what to do with them. If you want to visit my talk or just need a free ticket, please poke me on IRC or by email. First come, first served.

17 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 20

If I did everything right, this post will not appear on any RSS feed yet still make it to my blog to maintain history. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11 24 (19+5) +24 (+19/+5)
18 release+12 2 (2+0) +2 (+2/+0)
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

10 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 19

Still not sure what to do with this whole thing, but preserving the sharp increase in RC bug count for posterity can't hurt either way. Not sure if it's sad that so many issues may have been overlooked, if this means that Debian is very much alive, either. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11 24 (19+5) +24 (+19/+5)
18 release+12 2 (2+0) +2 (+2/+0)
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

3 May 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 18

Releezy Tomorrow morning at around 0900 UTC, a lot of very dedicated people will start working on the actual release of Debian 7.0 (wheezy). A huge thank you to everyone who worked on getting Debian to this point. I for one welcome our new penguin overlord! Housekeeping These will obviously be the last rc bug stats in this release cycle. I am still unsure what to do with this particular series until the next freeze and feedback would be appreciated. Possible approaches are continuing as is, putting this into its own specific feed, decreasing the frequency to once a month, or to simply stop until jessie is frozen. An ikiwiki poll may be overkill. Or not. Remaining bugs As of right now, there are two bugs open: Both relate to weird behaviour by apt when upgrading from squeeze to wheezy. These bugs will not be truly closed, but merely ignored, for wheezy's release. If you happen to encounter the message above, it's best to consult the release notes for possible workarounds. Stats The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11 24 (19+5) +24 (+19/+5)
18 release+12 2 (2+0) +2 (+2/+0)
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

29 April 2013

Richard Hartmann: #newinwheezy

There's a #newinwheezy game which basically presents a few of the 4451 new source packages in Debian/wheezy to a wider audience. My own entry is, obviously, vcsh. Quoth the manpage
vcsh - manage config files in $HOME via fake bare git repositories

You can also consult the (somewhat outdated) readme or just clone it. In related news, I have been asked to hold my "Gitify your life" talk at LinuxTag 2013. This talk can be found here. While the text on that page is in German, all slides will be in English and I will happily use either language based on what the audience prefers.

26 April 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 17

The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11 24 (19+5) +24 (+19/+5)
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

19 April 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 16

Seems I was off by two weeks. Week 18, it is/should be. Yay. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10 20 (12+8) +20 (+12/+8)
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

14 April 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 15

This week: Monday 47, Tuesday 47, Wednesday 41, Thursday 39, Friday 37 Addendum: the bug count was at 37 around Friday noon and that's what I am tracking with the short stats above. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9 39 (32+7) +39 (+32/+7)
16 release+10
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

5 April 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 14

Over the week, around noon CEST, we had: The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8 51 (32+19) +51 (+32/+19)
15 release+9
16 release+10
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

29 March 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 13

Hallowed fornicating k lusk tur, Chiroptera Sapiens Sapiens! Look at that corrected bug count... It seems week 16, or even week 15, will really be the week of the penguin! The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7 50 (24+26) +50 (+24/+26)
14 release+8
15 release+9
16 release+10
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

22 March 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 12

Let's see if we will have 82 open bugs next week ;) Current trend points towards week 16/17. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6 93 (47+46) +93 (+47/+46)
13 release+7
14 release+8
15 release+9
16 release+10
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

18 March 2013

Richard Hartmann: Bee happy

Finally.. My bee box has arrived. Initially I had planned to build it myself, but with current time constraints and in light of the fact that the commercial variant is built in a sheltered workshop, I decided to go for a pre-built one. The bee box is designed to give bees a natural habitat and allow them to get through the winter without the need for artificial sugar. Harvest is limited to about 15 kg in a good year as opposed to up to 50 kg in commercial beehives, but this method of beekeeping is less stressful for the bees. The trick is that there are two sections in every bee box; starting in the second year, you open the second section as soon as the bees have started to run out of space. As that's done relatively late in May, the bees will mainly build honey-only non-larvae honeycombs. During harvest, you remove only those secondary honeycombs; as a result, the bees will not need to defend their larvae and thus be a lot more relaxed. As those bees are under supervision of a human with access to oxalic acid, it's trivial to protect those bees against infestations by varroa destructor and to keep them safe form mice during winter. Bees are incredibly important for nature's cycle, so this is a hobby with a lot of positive impact on your local flora, and subsequently fauna. And hey.. free honey!

15 March 2013

Richard Hartmann: Release Critical Bug report for Week 11

Current prediction remains at six weeks. This is a tad meh. The UDD bugs interface currently knows about the following release critical bugs: How do we compare to the Squeeze release cycle?
Week Squeeze Wheezy Diff
43 284 (213+71) 468 (332+136) +184 (+119/+65)
44 261 (201+60) 408 (265+143) +147 (+64/+83)
45 261 (205+56) 425 (291+134) +164 (+86/+78)
46 271 (200+71) 401 (258+143) +130 (+58/+72)
47 283 (209+74) 366 (221+145) +83 (+12/+71)
48 256 (177+79) 378 (230+148) +122 (+53/+69)
49 256 (180+76) 360 (216+155) +104 (+36/+79)
50 204 (148+56) 339 (195+144) +135 (+47/+90)
51 178 (124+54) 323 (190+133) +145 (+66/+79)
52 115 (78+37) 289 (190+99) +174 (+112/+62)
1 93 (60+33) 287 (171+116) +194 (+111/+83)
2 82 (46+36) 271 (162+109) +189 (+116/+73)
3 25 (15+10) 249 (165+84) +224 (+150/+74)
4 14 (8+6) 244 (176+68) +230 (+168/+62)
5 2 (0+2) 224 (132+92) +222 (+132/+90)
6 release! 212 (129+83) +212 (+129/+83)
7 release+1 194 (128+66) +194 (+128/+66)
8 release+2 206 (144+62) +206 (+144/+62)
9 release+3 174 (105+69) +174 (+105/+69)
10 release+4 120 (72+48) +120 (+72/+48)
11 release+5 115 (74+41) +115 (+74/+41)
12 release+6
13 release+7
14 release+8
15 release+9
16 release+10
17 release+11
18 release+12
Graphical overview of bug stats thanks to azhag:

