vcsh has seen a
lot of activity in recent times and today's release of
1.20130724 contains a lot of useful new features.
In case you haven't tried
yet, or not recently,
now is a very good time to do so.
has been trivial to use for at least a year
now, but the documentation did a very poor job of exposing that
fact. Which is why there's now a
30 second
howto which will get you up to speed and commiting in no time.
The rest of the docs have undergone a major rewrite, as well.
Feature-wise, there's
vcsh pull
, which pulls from all vcsh remotes
vcsh push
, which pushes to all vcsh remotes
vcsh status
, which lists the status of all files
checked into all vcsh repositories
- clone hooks, including one with the
environment tore down. This allows you to operate on other
repositories, e.g. clone another repository
, which allows you to avoid
writing gitignores automagically
- comprehensive
completion, which will complete
on pretty much anything you could wish for
- several bug fixes, increased robustness, and more comments
vcsh pull
vcsh push
, and
vcsh status
sound a bit like a poor man's
myrepos (formerly know as
), that's by design. On the one hand, this enables
to handle pratically all aspects of configuration
management. One tool for everything
On the other hand, even if you use
(like I
still do and will continue to do), this gives you a quick and cheap
way to operate on configuration repositories, only. Especially if
you're in a hurry or on a cellular connection, you may not want to
pull in all changes from all remotes. If the Linux kernel or other
large projects are part of your normal
updating them all takes time and bandwidth. Contrary to that,
configuration repositories tend to be lightweight. Updating those
selectively simply makes sense.
Debian unstable carries the current package, Homebrew should
carry it soon. Arch AUR and Fedora are getting there. And as vcsh
is written in POSIX shell, it does not need to be compiled but can
be run directly from a
clone without the need for
Did I mention that this is the perfect time to try out
? ;)