Search Results: "fs"

26 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppBDT 0.2.7 on CRAN: Maintenance

Another minor maintenance release for the RcppBDT package is now on CRAN. The RcppBDT package is an early adopter of Rcpp and was one of the first packages utilizing Boost and its Date_Time library. The now more widely-used package anytime is a direct descentant of RcppBDT. This release follows the recent updates of other package updating their C++ compilation standard along with other standard package updates. No feature or interface changes. The NEWS entry follows:

Changes in version 0.2.7 (2025-01-25)
  • The package no longer sets a C++ compilation standard
  • Package infrastructure, documentation and continuous integration support have been updated
  • Several manual pages now have package anchors for the code link
  • A demo/ file has been move to inst/examples/

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

Otto Kek l inen: 10 habits to help becoming a Debian Maintainer

Featured image of post 10 habits to help becoming a Debian MaintainerBecoming a Debian maintainer is a journey that combines technical expertise, community collaboration, and continuous learning. In this post, I ll share 10 key habits that will both help you navigate the complexities of Debian packaging without getting lost, and also enable you to contribute more effectively to one of the world s largest open source projects.

1. Read and re-read the Debian Policy, the Developer s Reference and the git-buildpackage manual Anyone learning Debian packaging and aspiring to become a Debian maintainer is likely to wade through a lot of documentation, only to realize that much of it is outdated or sometimes outright incorrect. Therefore, it is important to learn right from the start which sources are the most reliable and truly worth reading and re-reading. I recommend these documents, in order of importance:
  • The Debian Policy Manual: Describes the structure of the operating system, the package archive, and requirements for packages to be included in the Debian archive.
  • The Developer s Reference: A collection of best practices and process descriptions Debian packagers are expected to follow while interacting with one another.
  • The git-buildpackage man pages: While the Policy focuses on the end result and is intentionally void of practical instructions on creating or maintaining Debian packages, the Developer s Reference goes into greater detail. However, it too lacks step-by-step instructions. For the exact commands, consult the man pages of git-buildpackage and its subcommands (e.g., gbp clone, gbp import-orig, gbp pq, gbp dch, gbp push). See also my post on Debian source package git branch and tags for an easy to understand diagrams.

2. Make reading man pages a habit In addition to the above, try to make a habit of checking out the man page of every new tool you use to ensure you are using it as intended. The best place to read accurate and up-to-date documentation is The manual pages are maintained alongside the tools by their developers, ensuring greater accuracy than any third-party documentation. If you are using a tool in the way the tool author documented, you can be confident you are doing the right thing, even if it wasn t explicitly mentioned in some third-party guide about Debian packaging best practices.

3. Read and write emails While members of the Debian community have many channels of communication, the mailing lists are by far the most prominent. Asking questions on the appropriate list is a good way to get current advice from other people doing Debian packaging. Staying subscribed to lists of interest is also a good way to read about new developments as they happen. Note that every post is public and archived permanently, so the discussions on the mailing lists also form a body of documentation that can later be searched and referred to. Regularly writing short and well-structured emails on the mailing lists is great practice for improving technical communication skills a useful ability in general. For Debian specifically, being active on mailing lists helps build a reputation that can later attract collaborators and supporters for more complex initiatives.

4. Create and use an OpenPGP key Related to reputation and identity, OpenPGP keys play a central role in the Debian community. OpenPGP is used to various degrees to sign git commits and tags, sign and encrypt email, and most importantly to sign Debian packages so their origin can be verified. The process of becoming a Debian Maintainer and eventually a Debian Developer culminates in getting your OpenPGP key included in the Debian keyring, which is used to control who can upload packages into the Debian archive. The earlier you create a key and start using it to gain reputation for that specific key that is used to sign your work, the better. Note that due to a recent schism in the OpenPGP standards working group, it is safest to create an OpenPGP key using GnuPG version 2.2.x (not 2.4.x), or using Sequoia-PGP.

5. Integrate Salsa CI in all work One reason Debian remains popular, even 30 years after its inception, is due to its culture of maintaining high standards. For a newcomer, learning all the quality assurance tools such as Lintian, Piuparts, Adequate, various build variations, and reproducible builds may be overwhelming. However, these tasks are easier to manage thanks to Salsa CI, the continuous integration pipeline in Debian that runs tests on every commit at The earlier you activate Salsa CI in the package repository you are working on, the faster you will achieve high quality in your package with fewer missteps. You can also further customize a package specific salsa-ci.yml to have more testing coverage. Example Salsa CI pipeline with customizations

6. Fork on Salsa and use draft Merge Requests to solicit feedback All modern Debian packages are hosted on If you want to make a change to any package, it is easy to fork, make an initial attempt at the change, and publish it as a draft Merge Request (MR) on Salsa to solicit feedback. People might have surprising reasons to object to the change you propose, or they might need time to get used to the idea before agreeing to it. Also, some people might object to a vague idea out of suspicion but agree once they see the exact implementation. There may also be a surprising number of people supporting your idea, and if there is an MR, they have a place to show their support at. Don t expect every Merge Request to be accepted. However, proposing an idea as running code in an MR is far more effective than raising the idea on a mailing list or in a bug report. Get into the habit of publishing plenty of merge requests to solicit feedback and drive discussions toward consensus.

7. Use git rebase frequently Linear git history is much easier to read. The ease of reading git log and git blame output is vital in Debian, where packages often have updates from multiple people spanning many years even decades. Debian packagers likely spend more time than the average software developer reading git history. Make sure you master git commands such as gitk --all, git citool --amend, git commit -a --fixup <commit id>, git rebase -i --autosquash <target branch>, git cherry-pick <commit id 1> <id 2> <id 3>, and git pull --rebase. If rebasing is not done on your initiative, rest assured others will ask you to do it. Thus, if the commands above are familiar, rebasing will be quick and easy for you.

8. Reviews: give some, get some In open source, the larger a project becomes, the more it attracts contributions, and the bottleneck for its growth isn t how much code developers can create but how much code submissions can be properly reviewed. At the time of writing, the main Salsa group Debian has over 800 open merge requests pending reviews and approvals. Feel free to read and comment on any merge request you find. You don t have to be a subject matter expert to provide valuable feedback. Even if you don t have specific feedback, your comment as another human acknowledging that you read the MR and found no issues is viewed positively by the author. Besides, if you spend enough time reviewing MRs in a specific domain, you will eventually become an expert in it. Code reviews are not just about providing feedback to the submitter; they are also great learning opportunities for the reviewer. As a rule of thumb, you should review at least twice as many merge requests as you submit yourself.

9. Improve Debian by improving upstream It is common that while packaging software for Debian, bugs are uncovered and patched in Debian. Do not forget to submit the fixes upstream, and add a Forwarded field to the file in debian/patches! As the person building and packaging something in Debian, you automatically become an authority on that software, and the upstream is likely glad to receive your improvements. While submitting patches upstream is a bit of work initially, getting improvements merged upstream eventually saves time for everyone and makes packaging in Debian easier, as there will be fewer patches to maintain with each new upstream release.

10. Don t hold any habits too firmly Last but not least: Once people learn a specific way of working, they tend to stick to it for decades. Learning how to create and maintain Debian packages requires significant effort, and people tend to stop learning once they feel they ve reached a sufficient level. This tendency to get stuck in a local optimum is understandable and natural, but try to resist it. It is likely that better techniques will evolve over time, so stay humble and re-evaluate your beliefs and practices every few years. Mastering these habits takes time, but each small step brings you closer to making a meaningful impact on Debian. By staying curious, collaborative, and adaptable, you can ensure your contributions stand the test of time just like Debian itself. Good luck on your journey toward becoming a Debian Maintainer!

23 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: qlcal 0.0.14 on CRAN: Calendar Updates

The fourteenth release of the qlcal package arrivied at CRAN today, following the QuantLib 1.37 release two days ago. qlcal delivers the calendaring parts of QuantLib. It is provided (for the R package) as a set of included files, so the package is self-contained and does not depend on an external QuantLib library (which can be demanding to build). qlcal covers over sixty country / market calendars and can compute holiday lists, its complement (i.e. business day lists) and much more. Examples are in the README at the repository, the package page, and course at the CRAN package page. This releases synchronizes qlcal with the QuantLib release 1.37 (made this week), and moves a demo/ file to examples/.

Changes in version 0.0.14 (2025-01-23)
  • Synchronized with QuantLib 1.37 released two days ago
  • Calendar updates for United States and New Zealand
  • The demo/ file is now in inst/examples/

This update includes the inclusion of the January 9, 2025, holiday for the memorial of President Carter that was observed at the NYSE and shown by the allUScalendars.R example:
edd@rob:~/git/qlcal-r/inst/examples(master)$ Rscript allUScalendars.R 
           LiborImpact NYSE GovernmentBond NERC FederalReserve SOFR
2025-01-01        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
2025-01-09          NA TRUE             NA   NA             NA   NA
2025-01-20        TRUE TRUE           TRUE   NA           TRUE TRUE
2025-02-17        TRUE TRUE           TRUE   NA           TRUE TRUE
2025-04-18          NA TRUE           TRUE   NA             NA TRUE
2025-05-26        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
2025-06-19        TRUE TRUE           TRUE   NA           TRUE TRUE
2025-07-04        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
2025-09-01        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
2025-10-13        TRUE   NA           TRUE   NA           TRUE TRUE
2025-11-11        TRUE   NA           TRUE   NA           TRUE TRUE
2025-11-27        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
2025-12-25        TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE           TRUE TRUE
Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. See the project page and package documentation for more details, and more examples. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

21 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: ttdo 0.0.10 on CRAN: Small Extension

A new minor release of our ttdo package arrived on CRAN a few days ago. The ttdo package extends the excellent (and very minimal / zero depends) unit testing package tinytest by Mark van der Loo with the very clever and well-done diffobj package by Brodie Gaslam to give us test results with visual diffs (as shown in the screenshot below) which seemingly is so compelling an idea that it eventually got copied by another package which shall remain unnamed And as of this release, we also support visual diffs as provided by tinysnapshot by Vincent Arel-Bundock. ttdo screenshot This release chiefly adds support for visual diff plots. As we extend tinytest for use in the R autograder we maintain and deploy within the lovely PrairieLearn framework, we need to encode the diffplot that has been produced by the autograder (commonly in a separate Docker process) to communicate it back to the controlling (Docker also) instance of PrairieLearn. We also did the usual bits of package maintenance keeping badges, URLs, continuous integration and minor R coding standards current. As usual, the NEWS entry follows.

Changes in ttdo version 0.0.10 (2025-01-21)
  • Regular packaging updates to badges and continuous integration setup
  • Add support for a 'visual difference' taking advantage of a tinysnapshot feature returning a ttvd-typed result
  • Added (versioned) dependency on tinysnapshot (to also get the plot 'style' enhancement in the most recent version) and base64enc
  • Return ttdo-typed result if diffobj-printed result is returned
  • Ensure all package-documentation links in manual page have anchors to the package

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

Ravi Dwivedi: The Arduous Luxembourg Visa Process

In 2024, I was sponsored by The Document Foundation (TDF) to attend the LibreOffice annual conference in Luxembourg from the 10th to the 12th of October. Being an Indian passport holder, I needed a visa to visit Luxembourg. However, due to my Kenya trip coming up in September, I ran into a dilemma: whether to apply before or after the Kenya trip. To obtain a visa, I needed to submit my application with VFS Global (and not with the Luxembourg embassy directly). Therefore, I checked the VFS website for information on processing time, which says:
As a rule, the processing time of an admissible Schengen visa application should not exceed 15 calendar days (from the date the application is received at the Embassy).
It also mentions:
If the application is received less than 15 calendar days before the intended travel date, the Embassy can deem your application inadmissible. If so, your visa application will not be processed by the Embassy and the application will be sent back to VFS along with the passport.
If I applied for the Luxembourg visa before my trip, I would run the risk of not getting my passport back in time, and therefore missing my Kenya flight. On the other hand, if I waited until after returning from Kenya, I would run afoul of the aforementioned 15 working days needed by the embassy to process my application. I had previously applied for a Schengen visa for Austria, which was completed in 7 working days. My friends who had been to France told me they got their visa decision within a week. So, I compared Luxembourg s application numbers with those of other Schengen countries. In 2023, Luxembourg received 3,090 applications from India, while Austria received 39,558, Italy received 52,332 and France received 176,237. Since Luxembourg receives a far fewer number of applications, I expected the process to be quick. Therefore, I submitted my visa application with VFS Global in Delhi on the 5th of August, giving the embassy a month with 18 working days before my Kenya trip. However, I didn t mention my Kenya trip in the Luxembourg visa application. For reference, here is a list of documents I submitted: I submitted flight reservations instead of flight tickets . It is because, in case of visa rejection, I would have lost a significant amount of money if I booked confirmed flight tickets. The embassy also recommends the same. After the submission of documents, my fingerprints were taken. The expenses for the visa application were as follows:
Service Description Amount (INR)
Visa Fee 8,114
VFS Global Fee 1,763
Courier 800
Total 10,677
Going by the emails sent by VFS, my application reached the Luxembourg embassy the next day. Fast-forward to the 27th of August 14th day of my visa application. I had already booked my flight ticket to Nairobi for the 4th of September, but my passport was still with the Luxembourg embassy, and I hadn t heard back. In addition, I also obtained Kenya s eTA and got vaccinated for Yellow Fever, a requirement to travel to Kenya. In order to check on my application status, I gave the embassy a phone call, but missed their calling window, which was easy to miss since it was only 1 hour - 12:00 to 1:00 PM. So, I dropped them an email explaining my situation. At this point, I was already wondering whether to cancel the Kenya trip or the Luxembourg one, if I had to choose. After not getting a response to my email, I called them again the next day. The embassy told me they would look into it and asked me to send my flight tickets over email. One week to go before my flight now. I followed up with the embassy on the 30th by a phone call, and the person who picked up the call told me that my request had already been forwarded to the concerned department and is under process. They asked me to follow up on Monday, 2nd September. During the visa process, I was in touch with three other Indian attendees.1 In the meantime, I got to know that all of them had applied for a Luxembourg visa by the end of the month of August. Back to our story, over the next two days, the embassy closed for the weekend. I began weighing my options. On one hand, I could cancel the Kenya trip and hope that Luxembourg goes through. Even then, Luxembourg wasn t guaranteed as the visa could get rejected, so I might have ended up missing both the trips. On the other hand, I could cancel the Luxembourg visa application and at least be sure of going to Kenya. However, I thought it would make Luxembourg very unlikely because it didn t leave 15 working days for the embassy to process my visa after returning from Kenya. I also badly wanted to attend the LibreOffice conference because I couldn t make it two years ago. Therefore, I chose not to cancel my Luxembourg visa application. I checked with my travel agent and learned that I could cancel my Nairobi flight before September 4th for a cancelation fee of approximately 7,000 INR. On the 2nd of September, I was a bit frustrated because I hadn t heard anything from the embassy regarding my request. Therefore, I called the embassy again. They assured me that they would arrange a call for me from the concerned department that day, which I did receive later that evening. During the call, they offered to return my passport via VFS the next day and asked me to resubmit it after returning from Kenya. I immediately accepted the offer and was overjoyed, as it would enable me to take my flight to Nairobi without canceling my Luxembourg visa application. However, I didn t have the offer in writing, so it wasn t clear to me how I would collect my passport from VFS. The next day, I would receive it when I would be on my way to VFS in the form of an email from the embassy which read:
Dear Mr. Dwivedi, We acknowledge the receipt of your email. As you requested, we are returning your passport exceptionally through VFS, you can collect it directly from VFS Delhi Center between 14:00-17:00 hrs, 03 Sep 2024. Kindly bring the printout of this email along with your VFS deposit receipt and Original ID proof. Once you are back from your trip, you can redeposit the passport with VFS Luxembourg for our processing. With best regards,
Embassy in New Delhi
I took a printout of the email and submitted it to VFS to get my passport. This seemed like a miracle - just when I lost all hope of making it to my Kenya flight and was mentally preparing myself to miss it, I got my passport back exceptionally and now I had to mentally prepare again for Kenya. I had never heard of an embassy returning passport before completing the visa process before. The next day, I took my flight to Nairobi as planned. In case you are interested, I have written two blog posts on my Kenya trip - one on the OpenStreetMap conference in Nairobi and the other on my travel experience in Kenya. After returning from Kenya, I resubmitted my passport on the 17th of September. Fast-forward to the 25th of September; I didn t hear anything from the embassy about my application process. So, I checked with TDF to see whether the embassy reached out to them. They told me they confirmed my participation and my hotel booking to the visa authorities on the 19th of September (6 days ago). I was wondering what was taking so long after the verification. On the 1st of October, I received a phone call from the Luxembourg embassy, which turned out to be a surprise interview. They asked me about my work, my income, how I came to know about the conference, whether I had been to Europe before, etc. The call lasted around 10 minutes. At this point, my travel date - 8th of October - was just two working days away as the 2nd of October was off due to Gandhi Jayanti and 5th and 6th October were weekends, leaving only the 3rd and the 4th. I am not sure why the embassy saved this for the last moment, even though I submitted my application 2 months ago. I also got to know that one of the other Indian attendees missed the call due to being in their college lab, where he was not allowed to take phone calls. Therefore, I recommend that the embassy agree on a time slot for the interview call beforehand. Visa decisions for all the above-mentioned Indian attendees were sent by the embassy on the 4th of October, and I received mine on the 5th. For my travel date of 8th October, this was literally the last moment the embassy could send my visa. The parcel contained my passport and a letter. The visa was attached to a page in the passport. I was happy that my visa had been approved. However, the timing made my task challenging. The enclosed letter stated:
Subject: Your Visa Application for Luxembourg
Dear Applicant, We would like to inform you that a Schengen visa has been granted for the 8-day duration from 08/10/2024 to 30/10/2024 for conference purposes in Luxembourg. You are requested to report back to the Embassy of Luxembourg in New Delhi through an email (email address redacted) after your return with the following documents:
  • Immigration Stamps (Entry and Exit of Schengen Area)
  • Restaurant Bills
  • Shopping/Hotel/Accommodation bills
Failure to report to the Embassy after your return will be taken into consideration for any further visa applications.
I understand the embassy wanting to ensure my entry and exit from the Schengen area during the visa validity period, but found the demand for sending shopping bills excessive. Further, not everyone was as lucky as I was as it took a couple of days for one of the Indian attendees to receive their visa, delaying their plan. Another attendee had to send their father to the VFS center to collect their visa in time, rather than wait for the courier to arrive at their home. Foreign travel is complicated, especially for the citizens of countries whose passports and currencies are weak. Embassies issuing visas a day before the travel date doesn t help. For starters, a last-minute visa does not give enough time for obtaining a forex card as banks ask for the visa. Further, getting foreign currency (Euros in our case) in cash with a good exchange rate becomes difficult. As an example, for the Kenya trip, I had to get US Dollars at the airport due to the plan being finalized at the last moment, worsening the exchange rate. Back to the current case, the flight prices went up significantly compared to September, almost doubling. The choice of airlines also got narrowed, as most of the flights got booked by the time I received my visa. With all that said, I think it was still better than an arbitrary rejection. Credits: Contrapunctus, Badri, Fletcher, Benson, and Anirudh for helping with the draft of this post.

  1. Thanks to Sophie, our point of contact for the conference, for putting me in touch with them.

20 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppMsgPack 0.2.4 on CRAN: Maintenance

Another maintenance release of RcppMsgPack got onto CRAN today. MessagePack itself is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. But it is faster and smaller. Small integers are encoded into a single byte, and typical short strings require only one extra byte in addition to the strings themselves. RcppMsgPack brings both the C++ headers of MessagePack as well as clever code (in both R and C++) Travers wrote to access MsgPack-encoded objects directly from R. This is the first release in over six years, and contains mostly maintenance. One somewhat embarassing aspect is that Travers and I forgot about a PR that had been ready all this since the last release, it has now been integrated. Details follow from the NEWS file.

Changes in version 0.2.4 (2025-01-19)
  • Use Rcpp::RawVector instead of std::vector<unsigned char> saving extra copy (Travers in #16)
  • Several updates to with R Journal paper, add badges, add Authors@R, add CITATION file, add repo info to DESCRIPTION
  • Update continuous integration via r-ci
  • Update to no longer require compilation standard

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the [issue tracker][issue tickets] at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

15 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppFastFloat 0.0.5 on CRAN: New Upstream, Updates

A new minor release of RcppFastFloat just arrived on CRAN. The package wraps fast_float, another nice library by Daniel Lemire. For details, see the arXiv preprint or published paper showing that one can convert character representations of numbers into floating point at rates at or exceeding one gigabyte per second. This release updates the underlying fast_float library version to the current version 7.0.0, and updates a few packaging aspects.

Changes in version 0.0.5 (2025-01-15)
  • No longer set a compilation standard
  • Updates to continuous integration, badges, URLs, DESCRIPTION
  • Update to fast_float 7.0.0
  • Per CRAN Policy comment-out compiler 'diagnostic ignore' instances

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release. For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the [issue tracker][issue tickets] at the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

14 January 2025

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Montreal Subway Foot Traffic Data, 2024 edition

Another year of data from Soci t de Transport de Montr al, Montreal's transit agency! A few highlights this year:
  1. The closure of the Saint-Michel station had a drastic impact on D'Iberville, the station closest to it.
  2. The opening of the Royalmount shopping center nearly doubled the traffic of the De La Savane station.
  3. The Montreal subway continues to grow, but has not yet recovered from the pandemic. Berri-UQAM station (the largest one) is still below 1 million entries per quarter compared to its pre-pandemic record.
By clicking on a subway station, you'll be redirected to a graph of the station's foot traffic. Licences

10 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: nanotime 0.3.11 on CRAN: Polish

Another minor update 0.3.11 for our nanotime package is now on CRAN. nanotime relies on the RcppCCTZ package (as well as the RcppDate package for additional C++ operations) and offers efficient high(er) resolution time parsing and formatting up to nanosecond resolution, using the bit64 package for the actual integer64 arithmetic. Initially implemented using the S3 system, it has benefitted greatly from a rigorous refactoring by Leonardo who not only rejigged nanotime internals in S4 but also added new S4 types for periods, intervals and durations. This release covers two corner case. Michael sent in a PR avoiding a clang warning on complex types. We fixed an issue that surfaced in a downstream package under sanitizier checks: R extends coverage of NA to types such as integer or character which need special treatment in non-R library code as they do not know . We flagged (character) formatted values after we had called the corresponding CCTZ function but that leaves potentiall undefined values (from R s NA values for int, say, cast to double) so now we flag them, set a transient safe value for the call and inject the (character) representation "NA" after the call in those spots. End result is the same, but without a possibly slap on the wrist from sanitizer checks. The NEWS snippet below has the full details.

Changes in version 0.3.11 (2025-01-10)
  • Explicit Rcomplex assignment accommodates pickier compilers over newer R struct (Michael Chirico in #135 fixing #134)
  • When formatting, NA are flagged before CCTZ call to to not trigger santizier, and set to NA after call (Dirk in #136)

Thanks to my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. More details and examples are at the nanotime page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repository and all documentation is provided at the nanotime documentation site.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

9 January 2025

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in December 2024

Welcome to the December 2024 report from the Reproducible Builds project! Our monthly reports outline what we ve been up to over the past month and highlight items of news from elsewhere in the world of software supply-chain security when relevant. As ever, however, if you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. Table of contents:
  2. debian-repro-status
  3. On our mailing list
  4. Enhancing the Security of Software Supply Chains
  5. diffoscope
  6. Supply-chain attack in the Solana ecosystem
  7. Website updates
  8. Debian changes
  9. Other development news
  10. Upstream patches
  11. Reproducibility testing framework Last month saw the introduction of Announced at the recent Debian MiniDebConf in Toulouse, is an instance of rebuilderd operated by the Reproducible Builds project. rebuilderd is our server designed monitor the official package repositories of Linux distributions and attempts to reproduce the observed results there. This month, however, we are pleased to announce that not only does the service now produce graphs, the homepage itself has become a start page of sorts, and the and pages have emerged. The first of these rebuilds the amd64 architecture, naturally, but it also is building Debian packages that are marked with the no architecture label, all. The second builder is, however, only rebuilding the i386 architecture. Both of these services were also switched to reproduce the Debian trixie distribution instead of unstable, which started with 43% of the archive rebuild with 79.3% reproduced successfully. This is very much a work in progress, and we ll start reproducing Debian unstable soon. Our i386 hosts are very kindly sponsored by Infomaniak whilst the amd64 node is sponsored by OSUOSL thank you! Indeed, we are looking for more workers for more Debian architectures; please contact us if you are able to help.

debian-repro-status Reproducible builds developer kpcyrd has published a client program for (see above) that queries the status of the locally installed packages and rates the system with a percentage score. This tool works analogously to arch-repro-status for the Arch Linux Reproducible Builds setup. The tool was packaged for Debian and is currently available in Debian trixie: it can be installed with apt install debian-repro-status.

On our mailing list On our mailing list this month:
  • Bernhard M. Wiedemann wrote a detailed post on his long journey towards a bit-reproducible Emacs package. In his interesting message, Bernhard goes into depth about the tools that they used and the lower-level technical details of, for instance, compatibility with the version for glibc within openSUSE.
  • Shivanand Kunijadar posed a question pertaining to the reproducibility issues with encrypted images. Shivanand explains that they must use a random IV for encryption with AES CBC. The resulting artifact is not reproducible due to the random IV used. The message resulted in a handful of replies, hopefully helpful!
  • User Danilo posted an in interesting question related to their attempts in trying to achieve reproducible builds for Threema Desktop 2.0. The question resulted in a number of replies attempting to find the right combination of compiler and linker flags (for example).
  • Longstanding contributor David A. Wheeler wrote to our list announcing the release of the Census III of Free and Open Source Software: Application Libraries report written by Frank Nagle, Kate Powell, Richie Zitomer and David himself. As David writes in his message, the report attempts to answer the question what is the most popular Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)? .
  • Lastly, kpcyrd followed-up to a post from September 2024 which mentioned their desire for someone to implement a hashset of allowed module hashes that is generated during the kernel build and then embedded in the kernel image , thus enabling a deterministic and reproducible build. However, they are now reporting that somebody implemented the hash-based allow list feature and submitted it to the Linux kernel mailing list . Like kpcyrd, we hope it gets merged.

Enhancing the Security of Software Supply Chains: Methods and Practices Mehdi Keshani of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands has published their thesis on Enhancing the Security of Software Supply Chains: Methods and Practices . Their introductory summary first begins with an outline of software supply chains and the importance of the Maven ecosystem before outlining the issues that it faces that threaten its security and effectiveness . To address these:
First, we propose an automated approach for library reproducibility to enhance library security during the deployment phase. We then develop a scalable call graph generation technique to support various use cases, such as method-level vulnerability analysis and change impact analysis, which help mitigate security challenges within the ecosystem. Utilizing the generated call graphs, we explore the impact of libraries on their users. Finally, through empirical research and mining techniques, we investigate the current state of the Maven ecosystem, identify harmful practices, and propose recommendations to address them.
A PDF of Mehdi s entire thesis is available to download.

diffoscope diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb made the following changes, including preparing and uploading versions 283 and 284 to Debian:
  • Update copyright years. [ ]
  • Update tests to support file 5.46. [ ][ ]
  • Simplify differences,differences_deb to simply use assert_diff and not mangle the test fixture. [ ]

Supply-chain attack in the Solana ecosystem A significant supply-chain attack impacted Solana, an ecosystem for decentralised applications running on a blockchain. Hackers targeted the @solana/web3.js JavaScript library and embedded malicious code that extracted private keys and drained funds from cryptocurrency wallets. According to some reports, about $160,000 worth of assets were stolen, not including SOL tokens and other crypto assets.

Website updates Similar to last month, there was a large number of changes made to our website this month, including:
  • Chris Lamb:
    • Make the landing page hero look nicer when the vertical height component of the viewport is restricted, not just the horizontal width.
    • Rename the Buy-in page to Why Reproducible Builds? [ ]
    • Removing the top black border. [ ][ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
  • hulkoba:
    • Remove the sidebar-type layout and move to a static navigation element. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Create and merge a new Success stories page, which highlights the success stories of Reproducible Builds, showcasing real-world examples of projects shipping with verifiable, reproducible builds. These stories aim to enhance the technical resilience of the initiative by encouraging community involvement and inspiring new contributions. . [ ]
    • Further changes to the homepage. [ ]
    • Remove the translation icon from the navigation bar. [ ]
    • Remove unused CSS styles pertaining to the sidebar. [ ]
    • Add sponsors to the global footer. [ ]
    • Add extra space on large screens on the Who page. [ ]
    • Hide the side navigation on small screens on the Documentation pages. [ ]

Debian changes There were a significant number of reproducibility-related changes within Debian this month, including:
  • Santiago Vila uploaded version 0.11+nmu4 of the dh-buildinfo package. In this release, the dh_buildinfo becomes a no-op ie. it no longer does anything beyond warning the developer that the dh-buildinfo package is now obsolete. In his upload, Santiago wrote that We still want packages to drop their [dependency] on dh-buildinfo, but now they will immediately benefit from this change after a simple rebuild.
  • Holger Levsen filed Debian bug #1091550 requesting a rebuild of a number of packages that were built with a very old version of dpkg.
  • Fay Stegerman contributed to an extensive thread on the debian-devel development mailing list on the topic of Supporting alternative zlib implementations . In particular, Fay wrote about her results experimenting whether zlib-ng produces identical results or not.
  • kpcyrd uploaded a new rust-rebuilderd-worker, rust-derp, rust-in-toto and debian-repro-status to Debian, which passed successfully through the so-called NEW queue.
  • Gioele Barabucci filed a number of bugs against the debrebuild component/script of the devscripts package, including:
    • #1089087: Address a spurious extra subdirectory in the build path.
    • #1089201: Extra zero bytes added to .dynstr when rebuilding CMake projects.
    • #1089088: Some binNMUs have a 1-second offset in some timestamps.
  • Gioele Barabucci also filed a bug against the dh-r package to report that the Recommends and Suggests fields are missing from rebuilt R packages. At the time of writing, this bug has no patch and needs some help to make over 350 binary packages reproducible.
  • Lastly, 8 reviews of Debian packages were added, 11 were updated and 11 were removed this month adding to our knowledge about identified issues.

Other development news In other ecosystem and distribution news:
  • Lastly, in openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published another report for the distribution. There, Bernhard reports about the success of building R-B-OS , a partial fork of openSUSE with only 100% bit-reproducible packages. This effort was sponsored by the NLNet NGI0 initiative.

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Reproducibility testing framework The Reproducible Builds project operates a comprehensive testing framework running primarily at in order to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. In November, a number of changes were made by Holger Levsen, including:
    • Add a new rebuilder. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Make a number of updates to the documentation. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Run run on a public port to allow external workers. [ ]
    • Add a link to the /api/v0/pkgs/list endpoint. [ ]
    • Add support for a statistics page. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Limit build logs to 20 MiB and diffoscope output to 10 MiB. [ ]
    • Improve the frontpage. [ ][ ]
    • Explain that we re testing arch:any and arch:all on the amd64 architecture, but only arch:any on i386. [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Remove code for testing Arch Linux, which has moved to [ ][ ]
    • Don t install dstat on Jenkins nodes anymore as its been removed from Debian trixie. [ ]
    • Prepare the infom08-i386 node to become another rebuilder. [ ]
    • Add debug date output for benchmarking the script. [ ]
    • Install installation-birthday everywhere. [ ]
    • Temporarily disable automatic updates of pool links on [ ]
    • Install Recommends by default on Jenkins nodes. [ ]
    • Rename to [ ]
    • r.d.n/stats: minor formatting changes. [ ]
    • Install files under /etc/cron.d/ with the correct permissions. [ ]
and Jochen Sprickerhof made the following changes: Lastly, Gioele Barabucci also classified packages affected by 1-second offset issue filed as Debian bug #1089088 [ ][ ][ ][ ], Chris Hofstaedtler updated the URL for Grml s dpkg.selections file [ ], Roland Clobus updated the Jenkins log parser to parse warnings from diffoscope [ ] and Mattia Rizzolo banned a number of bots and crawlers from the service [ ][ ].
If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

Valhalla's Things: Poor Man Media Server

Posted on January 9, 2025
Tags: madeof:bits
Some time ago I installed minidlna on our media server: it was pretty easy to do, but quite limited in its support for the formats I use most, so I ended up using other solutions such as mounting the directory with sshfs. Now, doing that from a phone, even a pinephone running debian, may not be as convenient as doing it from the laptop where I already have my ssh key :D and I needed to listed to music from the pinephone. So, in anger, I decided to configure a web server to serve the files. I installed lighttpd because I already had a role for this kind of configuration in my ansible directory, and configured it to serve the relevant directory in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/20-music.conf:
$HTTP["host"] =~ ""          = ""
    server.document-root = "/path/to/music"
the domain was already configured in my local dns (since everything is only available to the local network), and I enabled both 20-music.conf and 10-dir-listing.conf. And. That s it. It works. I can play my CD rips on a single flac exactly in the same way as I was used to (by ssh-ing to the media server and using alsaplayer). Then this evening I was talking to normal people1, and they mentioned that they wouldn t mind being able to skip tracks and fancy things like those :D and I ve found one possible improvement. For the directories with the generated single-track ogg files I ve added some playlists with the command ls *.ogg > playlist.m3u, then in the directory above I ve run ls */*.m3u > playlist.m3u and that also works. With vlc I can now open to listen to an album that I have in ogg, being able to move between tracks, or I can open and in the playlist view I can browse between the different albums. Left as an exercise to the reader2 are writing a bash script to generate all of the playlist.m3u files (and running it via some git hook when the files change) or writing a php script to generate them on the fly.
Update 2025-01-10: another reader3 wrote the php script and has authorized me to post it here.
define("MUSIC_FOLDER", __DIR__);
define("ID3v2", false);

function dd()  
    echo "<pre>"; call_user_func_array("var_dump", func_get_args());

function getinfo($file)  
    $cmd = 'id3info "' . MUSIC_FOLDER . "/" . $file . '"';
    exec($cmd, $output);
    $res = [];
    foreach($output as $line)  
    if (str_starts_with($line, "=== "))  
        $key = explode(" ", $line)[1];
        $val = end(explode(": ", $line, 2));
        $res[$key] = $val;
    if (isset($res['TPE1'])   isset($res['TIT2']))
    echo "#EXTINF: , " . ($res['TPE1'] ?? "Unk") . " - " . ($res['TIT2'] ?? "Untl") . "\r\n";
    if (isset($res['TALB']))
    echo "#EXTALB: " . $res['TALB'] . "\r\n";

function pathencode($path, $name)  
    $path = urlencode($path);
    $path =  str_replace("%2F", "/", $path);
    $name = urlencode($name);
    if ($path != "") $path = "/" . $path;
    return $path . "/" . $name;

function serve_playlist($path)  
    echo "#EXTM3U";
    echo "# PATH: $path\n\r";
    foreach (glob(MUSIC_FOLDER . "/$path/*") as $filename)  
    $name = basename($filename);
    if (is_dir($filename))  
        echo pathencode($path, $name) . ".m3u\r\n";
    $t = explode(".", $filename);
    $ext = array_pop($t);
    if (in_array($ext, ["mp3", "ogg", "flac", "mp4", "m4a"]))  
        if (ID3v2)  
 	   getinfo($path . "/" . $name);
 	   echo "#EXTINF: , " . $path . "/" . $name . "\r\n";
        echo pathencode($path, $name) . "\r\n";

$path = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$path = urldecode($path);
$path = trim($path, "/");

if (str_ends_with($path, ".m3u"))  
    $path = str_replace(".m3u", "", $path);


$path = MUSIC_FOLDER . "/" . $path;
if (file_exists($path) && is_file($path))  
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
It s php, so I assume no responsability for it :D

  1. as much as the members of our LUG can be considered normal.
  2. i.e. the person in the LUG who wanted me to share what I had done.
  3. i.e. the other person in the LUG who was in that conversation and suggested the php script option.

Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: updates, Salsa CI improvements, Coinstallable build-essential, Python 3.13 transition, Ruby 3.3 transition and more! (by Anupa Ann Joseph, Stefano Rivera)

Debian Contributions: 2024-12 Contributing to Debian is part of Freexian s mission. This article covers the latest achievements of Freexian and their collaborators. All of this is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support contracts and consulting services. updates, by Rapha l Hertzog Profiting from end-of-year vacations, Rapha l prepared for to be upgraded to Debian 12 bookworm by getting rid of the remnants of python3-django-jsonfield in the code (it was superseded by a Django-native field). Thanks to Philipp Kern from the Debian System Administrators team, the upgrade happened on December 23rd. Rapha l also improved distro-tracker to better deal with invalid Maintainer fields which recently caused multiples issues in the regular data updates (#1089985, MR 105). While working on this, he filed #1089648 asking dpkg tools to error out early when maintainers make such mistakes. Finally he provided feedback to multiple issues and merge requests (MR 106, issues #21, #76, #77), there seems to be a surge of interest in distro-tracker lately. It would be nice if those new contributors could stick around and help out with the significant backlog of issues (in the Debian BTS, in Salsa).

Salsa CI improvements, by Santiago Ruano Rinc n Given that the Debian buildd network now relies on sbuild using the unshare backend, and that Salsa CI s reproducibility testing needs to be reworked (#399), Santiago resumed the work for moving the build job to use sbuild. There was some related work a few months ago that was focused on sbuild with the schroot and the sudo backends, but those attempts were stalled for different reasons, including discussions around the convenience of the move (#296). However, using sbuild and unshare avoids all of the drawbacks that have been identified so far. Santiago is preparing two merge requests: !568 to introduce a new build image, and !569 that moves all the extract-source related tasks to the build job. As mentioned in the previous reports, this change will make it possible for more projects to use the pipeline to build the packages (See #195). Additional advantages of this change include a more optimal way to test if a package builds twice in a row: instead of actually building it twice, the Salsa CI pipeline will configure sbuild to check if the clean target of debian/rules correctly restores the source tree, saving some CPU cycles by avoiding one build. Also, the images related to Ubuntu won t be needed anymore, since the build job will create chroots for different distributions and vendors from a single common build image. This will save space in the container registry. More changes are to come, especially those related to handling projects that customize the pipeline and make use of the extract-source job.

Coinstallable build-essential, by Helmut Grohne Building on the gcc-for-host work of last December, a notable patch turning build-essential Multi-Arch: same became feasible. Whilst the change is small, its implications and foundations are not. We still install crossbuild-essential-$ARCH for cross building and due to a britney2 limitation, we cannot have it depend on the host s C library. As a result, there are workarounds in place for sbuild and pbuilder. In turning build-essential Multi-Arch: same, we may actually express these dependencies directly as we install build-essential:$ARCH instead. The crossbuild-essential-$ARCH packages will continue to be available as transitional dummy packages.

Python 3.13 transition, by Colin Watson and Stefano Rivera Building on last month s work, Colin, Stefano, and other members of the Debian Python team fixed 3.13 compatibility bugs in many more packages, allowing 3.13 to now be a supported but non-default version in testing. The next stage will be to switch to it as the default version, which will start soon. Stefano did some test-rebuilds of packages that only build for the default Python 3 version, to find issues that will block the transition. The default version transition typically shakes out some more issues in applications that (unlike libraries) only test with the default Python version. Colin also fixed Sphinx 8.0 compatibility issues in many packages, which otherwise threatened to get in the way of this transition.

Ruby 3.3 transition, by Lucas Kanashiro The Debian Ruby team decided to ship Ruby 3.3 in the next Debian release, and Lucas took the lead of the interpreter transition with the assistance of the rest of the team. In order to understand the impact of the new interpreter in the ruby ecosystem, ruby-defaults was uploaded to experimental adding ruby3.3 as an alternative interpreter, and a mass rebuild of reverse dependencies was done here. Initially, a couple of hundred packages were failing to build, after many rounds of rebuilds, adjustments, and many uploads we are down to 30 package build failures, of those, 21 packages were asked to be removed from testing and for the other 9, bugs were filled. All the information to track this transition can be found here. Now, we are waiting for PHP 8.4 to finish to avoid any collision. Once it is done the Ruby 3.3 transition will start in unstable.

Miscellaneous contributions
  • Enrico Zini redesigned the way stores historical audit logs and personal data backups.
  • Carles Pina submitted a new package (python-firebase-messaging) and prepared updates for python3-ring-doorbell.
  • Carles Pina developed further po-debconf-manager: better state transition, fixed bugs, automated assigning translators and reviewers on edit, updating po header files automatically, fixed bugs, etc.
  • Carles Pina reviewed, submitted and followed up the debconf templates translation (more than 20 packages) and translated some packages (about 5).
  • Santiago continued to work on DebConf 25 organization related tasks, including handling the logo survey and results. Stefano spent time on DebConf 25 too.
  • Santiago continued the exploratory work about linux livepatching with Emmanuel Arias. Santiago and Emmanuel found a challenge since kpatch won t fully support linux in trixie and newer, so they are exploring alternatives such as klp-build.
  • Helmut maintained the /usr-move transition filing bugs in e.g. bubblewrap, e2fsprogs, libvpd-2.2-3, and pam-tmpdir and corresponding on related issues such as kexec-tools and live-build. The removal of the usrmerge package unfortunately broke debootstrap and was quickly reverted. Continued fallout is expected and will continue until trixie is released.
  • Helmut sent patches for 10 cross build failures and worked with Sandro Knau on stuck Qt/KDE patches related to cross building.
  • Helmut continued to maintain rebootstrap removing the need to build gnu-efi in the process.
  • Helmut collaborated with Emanuele Rocca and Jochen Sprickerhof on an interesting adventure in diagnosing why gcc would FTBFS in recent sbuild.
  • Helmut proposed supporting build concurrency limits in coreutils s nproc. As it turns out nproc is not a good place for this functionality.
  • Colin worked with Sandro Tosi and Andrej Shadura to finish resolving the multipart vs. python-multipart name conflict, as mentioned last month.
  • Colin upgraded 48 Python packages to new upstream versions, fixing four CVEs and a number of compatibility bugs with recent Python versions.
  • Colin issued an openssh bookworm update with a number of fixes that had accumulated over the last year, especially fixing GSS-API key exchange which had been quite broken in bookworm.
  • Stefano fixed a minor bug in debian-reimbursements that was disallowing combination PDFs containing JAL tickets, encoded in UTF-16.
  • Stefano uploaded a stable update to PyPy3 in bookworm, catching up with security issues resolved in cPython.
  • Stefano fixed a regression in the eventlet from his Python 3.13 porting patch.
  • Stefano continued discussing a forwarded patch (renaming the sysconfigdata module) with cPython upstream, ending in a decision to drop the patch from Debian. This will need some continued work.
  • Anupa participated in the Debian Publicity team meeting in December, which discussed the team activities done in 2024 and projects for 2025.

8 January 2025

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppGetconf 0.0.4 on CRAN: Updates

A minor package update, the first in over six years, for the RcppGetconf package for reading system configuration not unlike getconf from the libc library is now on CRAN The changes are all minor package maintenance items of keeping URLs, continuous integration, and best practices current. We had two helper scripts use bash in their shebangs, and we just got dinged in one of them. Tedious as this can at times seem, it ensures CRAN packages do in fact compile just about anywhere which is a Good Thing (TM) so we obliged and updated the package with that change and all the others that had accumulated over six years. No interface or behaviour changes, just maintenance as one does at times. The short list of changes in this release follows:

Changes in inline version 0.0.4 (2025-01-07)
  • Dynamically linked compiled code is now registered in NAMESPACE
  • The continuous integration setup was update several times
  • The README was updated with current badges and URLs
  • The DESCRIPTION file now uses Authors@R
  • The configure and cleanup scripts use /bin/sh

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report of changes relative to the previous release. More about the package is at the local RcppGetconf page and the GitHub repo.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

7 January 2025

Jonathan Wiltshire: Using TPM for Automatic Disk Decryption in Debian 12

These days it s straightforward to have reasonably secure, automatic decryption of your root filesystem at boot time on Debian 12. Here s how I did it on an existing system which already had a stock kernel, secure boot enabled, grub2 and an encrypted root filesystem with the passphrase in key slot 0. There s no need to switch to systemd-boot for this setup but you will use systemd-cryptenroll to manage the TPM-sealed key. If that offends you, there are other ways of doing this.

Caveat The parameters I ll seal a key against in the TPM include a hash of the initial ramdisk. This is essential to prevent an attacker from swapping the image for one which discloses the key. However, it also means the key has to be re-sealed every time the image is rebuilt. This can be frequent, for example when installing/upgrading/removing packages which include a kernel module. You won t get locked out (as long as you still have a passphrase in another slot), but will need to re-seal the key to restore the automation. You can also choose not to include this parameter for the seal, but that opens the door to such an attack.

Caution: these are the steps I took on my own system. You may need to adjust them to avoid ending up with a non-booting system.

Check for a usable TPM device We ll bind the secure boot state, kernel parameters, and other boot measurements to a decryption key. Then, we ll seal it using the TPM. This prevents the disk being moved to another system, the boot chain being tampered with and various other attacks.
# apt install tpm2-tools
# systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device list
/dev/tpmrm0 STM0125:00 tpm_tis

Clean up older kernels including leftover configurations I found that previously-removed (but not purged) kernel packages sometimes cause dracut to try installing files to the wrong paths. Identify them with:
# apt install aptitude
# aptitude search '~c'
Change search to purge or be more selective, this part is an exercise for the reader.

Switch to dracut for initramfs images Unless you have a particular requirement for the default initramfs-tools, replace it with dracut and customise:
# mkdir /etc/dracut.conf.d
# echo 'add_dracutmodules+=" tpm2-tss crypt "' > /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt.conf
# apt install dracut

Remove root device from crypttab, configure grub Remove (or comment) the root device from /etc/crypttab and rebuild the initial ramdisk with dracut -f. Edit /etc/default/grub and add rd.luks=1 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX. Re-generate the config with update-grub. At this point it s a good idea to sanity-check the initrd contents with lsinitrd. Then, reboot using the new image to ensure there are no issues. This will also have up-to-date TPM measurements ready for the next step.

Identify device and seal a decryption key
NAME                                                    TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS
/dev/nvme0n1p4                                          part  /boot
/dev/nvme0n1p5                                          part  
 -/dev/mapper/luks-deff56a9-8f00-4337-b34a-0dcda772e326 crypt 
   -/dev/mapper/lv-var                                  lvm   /var
   -/dev/mapper/lv-root                                 lvm   /
   -/dev/mapper/lv-home                                 lvm   /home
In this example my root filesystem is in a container on /dev/nvme0n1p5. The existing passphrase key is in slot 0.
# systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=7+8+9+14 /dev/nvme0n1p5
Please enter current passphrase for disk /dev/nvme0n1p5: ********
New TPM2 token enrolled as key slot 1.
The PCRs I chose (7, 8, 9 and 14) correspond to the secure boot policy, kernel command line (to prevent init=/bin/bash-style attacks), files read by grub including that crucial initrd measurement, and secure boot MOK certificates and hashes. You could also include PCR 5 for the partition table state, and any others appropriate for your setup.

Reboot You should now be able to reboot and the root device will be unlocked automatically, provided the secure boot measurements remain consistent. The key slot protected by a passphrase (mine is slot 0) is now your recovery key. Do not remove it!
Please consider supporting my work in Debian and elsewhere through Liberapay.

5 January 2025

Jonathan McDowell: Free Software Activities for 2024

I tailed off on blog posts towards the end of the year; I blame a bunch of travel (personal + business), catching the flu, then December being its usual busy self. Anyway, to try and start off the year a bit better I thought I d do my annual recap of my Free Software activities. For previous years see 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 + 2023.

Conferences In 2024 I managed to make it to FOSDEM again. It s a hectic conference, and I know there are legitimate concerns about it being a super spreader event, but it has the advantage of being relatively close and having a lot of different groups of people I want to talk to / see talk at it. I m already booked to go this year as well. I spoke at All Systems Go in Berlin about Using TPMs at scale for protecting keys. It was nice to actually be able to talk publicly about some of the work stuff my team and I have been working on. I d a talk submission in for FOSDEM about our use of attestation and why it s not necessarily the evil some folk claim, but there were a lot of good talks submitted and I wasn t selected. Maybe I ll find somewhere else suitable to do it. BSides Belfast may or may not count - it s a security conference, but there s a lot of overlap with various bits of Free software, so I feel it deserves a mention. I skipped DebConf for 2024 for a variety of reasons, but I m expecting to make DebConf25 in Brest, France in July.

Debian Most of my contributions to Free software continue to happen within Debian. In 2023 I d done a bunch of work on retrogaming with Kodi on Debian, so I made an effort to try and keep those bits more up to date, even if I m not actually regularly using them at present. RetroArch got 1.18.0+dfsg-1 and 1.19.1+dfsg-1 uploads. libretro-core-info got associated 1.18.0-1 and 1.19.0-1 uploads too. I note 1.20.0 has been released recently, so I ll have to find some time to build the appropriate DFSG tarball and update it. rcheevos saw 11.2.0-1, 11.5.0-1 + 11.6.0-1 uploaded. kodi-game-libretro itself had 20.2.7-1 uploaded, then 21.0.7-1. Latest upstream is 22.1.0, but that s tracking Kodi 22 and we re still on Kodi 21 so I plan to follow the Omega branch for now. Which I ve just noticed had a 21.0.8 release this week. Finally in the games space I uploaded mgba 0.10.3+dfsg-1 and 0.10.3+dfsg-2 for Ryan Tandy, before realising he was already a Debian Maintainer and granting him the appropriate ACL access so he can upload it himself; I ve had zero concerns about any of his packaging. The Debian Electronics Packaging Team continues to be home for a bunch of packages I care about. There was nothing big there, for me, in 2024, but a few bits of cleanup here and there. I seem to have become one of the main uploaders for sdcc - I have some interest in the space, and the sigrok firmware requires it to build, so I at least like to ensure it s in half decent state. I uploaded 4.4.0+dfsg-1, 4.4.0+dfsg-2, and, just in time to count for 2024, 4.4.0+dfsg-3. The sdcc 4.4 upload lead to some compilation issues for sigrok-firmware-fx2laf so I uploaded 0.1.7-2 fixing that, then 0.1.7-3 doing some further cleanups. OpenOCD had 0.12.0-2 uploaded to disable the libgpiod backend thanks to incompatible changes upstream. There were some in-discussion patches with OpenOCD upstream at the time, but they didn t seem to be ready yet so I held off on pulling them in. 0.12.0-3 fixed builds with more recent versions of jimtcl. It looks like the next upstream release is about a year away, so Trixie will in all probability ship with 0.12.0 as well. libjaylink had a new upstream release, so 0.4.0-1 was uploaded. libserialsport also had a new upstream release, leading to 0.1.2-1. I finally cracked and uploaded sg3-utils 1.48-1 into experimental. I m not the primary maintainer, but 1.46 is nearly 4 years old now and I wanted to get it updated in enough time to shake out any problems before we get to a Trixie freeze. Outside of team owned packages, libcli had compilation issues with GCC 14, leading to 1.10.7-2. I also added a new package, sedutil 1.20.0-2 back in April; it looks fairly unmaintained upstream (there s been some recent activity, but it doesn t seem to be release quality), but there was an outstanding ITP and I ve some familiarity with the space as we ve been using it at work as part of investigating TCG OPAL encryption. I continue to keep an eye on Debian New Members, even though I m mostly inactive as an application manager - we generally seem to have enough available recently. Mostly my involvement is via Front Desk activities, helping out with queries to the team alias, and contributing to internal discussions. Finally the 3 month rotation for Debian Keyring continues to operate smoothly. I dealt with 2023.03.24, 2023.06.24, 2023.09.22 + 2023.11.24.

Linux I d a single kernel contribution this year, to Clean up TPM space after command failure. That was based on some issues we saw at work. I ve another fix in progress that I hope to submit in 2025, but it s for an intermittent failure so confirming the fix is necessary + sufficient is taking a little while.

Personal projects I didn t end up doing much in the way of externally published personal project work in 2024. Despite the release of OpenPGP v6 in RFC 9580 I did not manage to really work on onak. I started on the v6 support, but have not had sufficient time to complete anything worth pushing external yet. listadmin3 got some minor updates based on external feedback / MRs. It s nice to know it s useful to other folk even in its basic state. That wraps up 2024. I ve got no particular goals for this year at present. Ideally I d get v6 support into onak, and it would be nice to implement some of the wishlist items people have provided for listadmin3, but I ll settle for making sure all my Debian packages are in reasonable state for Trixie.

4 January 2025

Louis-Philippe V ronneau: Montreal's Debian & Stuff - December 2024

Our Debian User Group met on December 22nd for our last meeting of 2024. I wasn't sure at first it was a good idea, but many people showed up and it was great! Here's what we did: pollo: anarcat: lelutin: lavamind: tvaz: mjeanson and joeDoe: Some of us ended up grabbing a drink after the event at l'Isle de Garde, a pub right next to the venue. Pictures This time around, we were hosted by l'Espace des possibles, at their new location (they moved since our last visit). It was great! People liked the space so much we actually discussed going back there more often :) Group photo at l'Espace des possibles

2 January 2025

Matthew Garrett: The GPU, not the TPM, is the root of hardware DRM

As part of their "Defective by Design" anti-DRM campaign, the FSF recently made the following claim:
Today, most of the major streaming media platforms utilize the TPM to decrypt media streams, forcefully placing the decryption out of the user's control (from here).
This is part of an overall argument that Microsoft's insistence that only hardware with a TPM can run Windows 11 is with the goal of aiding streaming companies in their attempt to ensure media can only be played in tightly constrained environments.

I'm going to be honest here and say that I don't know what Microsoft's actual motivation for requiring a TPM in Windows 11 is. I've been talking about TPM stuff for a long time. My job involves writing a lot of TPM code. I think having a TPM enables a number of worthwhile security features. Given the choice, I'd certainly pick a computer with a TPM. But in terms of whether it's of sufficient value to lock out Windows 11 on hardware with no TPM that would otherwise be able to run it? I'm not sure that's a worthwhile tradeoff.

What I can say is that the FSF's claim is just 100% wrong, and since this seems to be the sole basis of their overall claim about Microsoft's strategy here, the argument is pretty significantly undermined. I'm not aware of any streaming media platforms making use of TPMs in any way whatsoever. There is hardware DRM that the media companies use to restrict users, but it's not in the TPM - it's in the GPU.

Let's back up for a moment. There's multiple different DRM implementations, but the big three are Widevine (owned by Google, used on Android, Chromebooks, and some other embedded devices), Fairplay (Apple implementation, used for Mac and iOS), and Playready (Microsoft's implementation, used in Windows and some other hardware streaming devices and TVs). These generally implement several levels of functionality, depending on the capabilities of the device they're running on - this will range from all the DRM functionality being implemented in software up to the hardware path that will be discussed shortly. Streaming providers can choose what level of functionality and quality to provide based on the level implemented on the client device, and it's common for 4K and HDR content to be tied to hardware DRM. In any scenario, they stream encrypted content to the client and the DRM stack decrypts it before the compressed data can be decoded and played.

The "problem" with software DRM implementations is that the decrypted material is going to exist somewhere the OS can get at it at some point, making it possible for users to simply grab the decrypted stream, somewhat defeating the entire point. Vendors try to make this difficult by obfuscating their code as much as possible (and in some cases putting some of it in-kernel), but pretty much all software DRM is at least somewhat broken and copies of any new streaming media end up being available via Bittorrent pretty quickly after release. This is why higher quality media tends to be restricted to clients that implement hardware-based DRM.

The implementation of hardware-based DRM varies. On devices in the ARM world this is usually handled by performing the cryptography in a Trusted Execution Environment, or TEE. A TEE is an area where code can be executed without the OS having any insight into it at all, with ARM's TrustZone being an example of this. By putting the DRM code in TrustZone, the cryptography can be performed in RAM that the OS has no access to, making the scraping described earlier impossible. x86 has no well-specified TEE (Intel's SGX is an example, but is no longer implemented in consumer parts), so instead this tends to be handed off to the GPU. The exact details of this implementation are somewhat opaque - of the previously mentioned DRM implementations, only Playready does hardware DRM on x86, and I haven't found any public documentation of what drivers need to expose for this to work.

In any case, as part of the DRM handshake between the client and the streaming platform, encryption keys are negotiated with the key material being stored in the GPU or the TEE, inaccessible from the OS. Once decrypted, the material is decoded (again either on the GPU or in the TEE - even in implementations that use the TEE for the cryptography, the actual media decoding may happen on the GPU) and displayed. One key point is that the decoded video material is still stored in RAM that the OS has no access to, and the GPU composites it onto the outbound video stream (which is why if you take a screenshot of a browser playing a stream using hardware-based DRM you'll just see a black window - as far as the OS can see, there is only a black window there).

Now, TPMs are sometimes referred to as a TEE, and in a way they are. However, they're fixed function - you can't run arbitrary code on the TPM, you only have whatever functionality it provides. But TPMs do have the ability to decrypt data using keys that are tied to the TPM, so isn't this sufficient? Well, no. First, the TPM can't communicate with the GPU. The OS could push encrypted material to it, and it would get plaintext material back. But the entire point of this exercise was to avoid the decrypted version of the stream from ever being visible to the OS, so this would be pointless. And rather more fundamentally, TPMs are slow. I don't think there's a TPM on the market that could decrypt a 1080p stream in realtime, let alone a 4K one.

The FSF's focus on TPMs here is not only technically wrong, it's indicative of a failure to understand what's actually happening in the industry. While the FSF has been focusing on TPMs, GPU vendors have quietly deployed all of this technology without the FSF complaining at all. Microsoft has enthusiastically participated in making hardware DRM on Windows possible, and user freedoms have suffered as a result, but Playready hardware-based DRM works just fine on hardware that doesn't have a TPM and will continue to do so.

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Colin Watson: Free software activity in December 2024

Most of my Debian contributions this month were sponsored by Freexian, as well as one direct donation via Liberapay (thanks!). OpenSSH I issued a bookworm update with a number of fixes that had accumulated over the last year, especially fixing GSS-API key exchange which was quite broken in bookworm. base-passwd A few months ago, the adduser maintainer started a discussion with me (as the base-passwd maintainer) and the shadow maintainer about bringing all three source packages under one team, since they often need to cooperate on things like user and group names. I agreed, but hadn t got round to doing anything about it until recently. I ve now officially moved it under team maintenance. debconf Gioele Barabucci has been working on eliminating duplicated code between debconf and cdebconf, ultimately with the goal of migrating to cdebconf (which I m not sure I m convinced of as a goal, but if we can make improvements to both packages as part of working towards it then there s no harm in that). I finally got round to reviewing and merging confmodule changes in each of debconf and cdebconf. This caused an installer regression due to a weirdness in cdebconf-udeb s packaging, which I fixed - sorry about that! I ve also been dealing with a few patch submissions that had been in my queue for a long time, but more on that next month if all goes well. CI issues I noticed and fixed a problem with Restrictions: needs-sudo in autopkgtest. I fixed broken aptly images in the Salsa CI pipeline. Python team Last month, I mentioned some progress on sorting out the multipart vs. python-multipart name conflict in Debian (#1085728), and said that I thought we d be able to finish it soon. I was right! We got it all done this month: The Python 3.13 transition continues, and last month we were able to add it to the supported Python versions in testing. (The next step will be to make it the default.) I fixed lots of problems in aid of this, including: Sphinx 8.0 removed some old intersphinx_mapping syntax which turned out to still be in use by many packages in Debian. The fixes for this were individually trivial, but there were a lot of them: I found that twisted 24.11.0 broke tests in buildbot and wokkel, and fixed those. I packaged python-flatdict, needed for a new upstream version of python-semantic-release. I tracked down a test failure in vdirsyncer (which I ve been using for some years, but had never previously needed to modify) and contributed a fix upstream. I fixed some packages to tolerate future versions of dh-python that will drop their dependency on python3-setuptools: I fixed django-cte to remove a build-dependency on the obsolete python3-nose package. I added Django 5.1 support to django-polymorphic. (There are a number of other packages that still need work here.) I fixed various other build/test failures: I upgraded these packages to new upstream versions: I updated the team s library style guide to remove material related to Python 2 and early versions of Python 3, which is no longer relevant to any current Python packaging work. Other Python upstream work I happened to notice a Twisted upstream issue requesting the removal of the deprecated twisted.internet.defer.returnValue, realized it was still used in many places in Debian, and went on a PR-filing spree informed by codesearch to try to reduce the future impact of such a change on Debian: Other small fixes Santiago Vila has been building the archive with make --shuffle (also see its author s explanation). I fixed associated bugs in cccc (contributed upstream), groff, and spectemu. I backported an upstream patch to putty to fix undefined behaviour that affected use of the small keypad . I removed groff s Recommends: libpaper1 (#1091375, #1091376), since it isn t currently all that useful and was getting in the way of a transition to libpaper2. I filed an upstream bug suggesting better integration in this area.

1 January 2025

Guido G nther: Free Software Activities December 2024

Another short status update of what happened on my side last month. The larger blocks are the Phosh 0.44 release and landing the initial Cell Broadcast support in phosh. The rest is all just small bits of bug, fallout/regression fixing here and there. phosh phoc phosh-mobile-settings libphosh-rs phosh-osk-stub phosh-tour pfs xdg-desktop-portal-phosh phog Debian git-buildpackage wlr-randr python-dbusmock livi Chatty feedbackd libadwaita phosh-ev Reviews This is not code by me but reviews on other peoples code. The list is incomplete, but I hope to improve on this in the upcoming months. Thanks for the contributions! Help Development Thanks a lot to all the those who supported my work on this in 2024. Happy new year! If you want to support my work see donations. Comments? Join the Fediverse thread

31 December 2024

Chris Lamb: Favourites of 2024

Here are my favourite books and movies that I read and watched throughout 2024. It wasn't quite the stellar year for books as previous years: few of those books that make you want to recommend and/or buy them for all your friends. In subconscious compensation, perhaps, I reread a few classics (e.g. True Grit, Solaris), and I'm almost finished my second read of War and Peace.


Elif Batuman: Either/Or (2022) Stella Gibbons: Cold Comfort Farm (1932) Michel Faber: Under The Skin (2000) Wallace Stegner: Crossing to Safety (1987) Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary (1857) Rachel Cusk: Outline (2014) Sara Gran: The Book of the Most Precious Substance (2022) Anonymous: The Railway Traveller s Handy Book (1862) Natalie Hodges: Uncommon Measure: A Journey Through Music, Performance, and the Science of Time (2022)Gary K. Wolf: Who Censored Roger Rabbit? (1981)

Films Recent releases

Seen at a 2023 festival. Disappointments this year included Blitz (Steve McQueen), Love Lies Bleeding (Rose Glass), The Room Next Door (Pedro Almod var) and Emilia P rez (Jacques Audiard), whilst the worst new film this year was likely The Substance (Coralie Fargeat), followed by Megalopolis (Francis Ford Coppola), Unfrosted (Jerry Seinfeld) and Joker: Folie Deux (Todd Phillips).
Older releases ie. Films released before 2023, and not including rewatches from previous years. Distinctly unenjoyable watches included The Island of Dr. Moreau (John Frankenheimer, 1996), Southland Tales (Richard Kelly, 2006), Any Given Sunday (Oliver Stone, 1999) & The Hairdresser s Husband (Patrice Leconte, 19990). On the other hand, unforgettable cinema experiences this year included big-screen rewatches of Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972), Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982), Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) and Die Hard (John McTiernan, 1988).

