Vasudev Kamath: Installing Debian from GRML Live CD

- Debian Installer does not support a proper BTRFS based root file system. It just allows btrfs as root but no subvolume support. Also I'm not sure about the luks support with btrfs as root.
- I also wanted to give a try to systemd-boot as my laptop is UEFI capable and I've slowly started disliking Grub.
- I really hate installing task-kde-desktop (Yeah you read it right, I've switched to be a KDE user for quite some time) which will pull tons of unwanted stuff and bloat. Well it's not just task-kde-desktop but any other task-desktop package does similar and I don't want to have too much of unused stuff and services running.
Disk Preparation
As a first step I went to GRML website and downloaded current pre-release. Frankly, I'm using GRML for first
time and I was not sure what to expect. When I booted it up I was bit taken a
back to see its console based and I did not have a wired lan just a plain
wireless dongle (Jiofi device) and was wondering what it will take to connect.
But surprisingly curses based UI was pretty much straight forward to allow me to
connect to Wifi AP. Another thing was the rescue CD had non-free firmware as the
laptop was using ath10k device and needed non-free blobs to operate.
Once I got shell prompt in rescue CD first thing I did was to reconfigure
console-setup to increase font size which was very very small on default boot.
Once that is done I did the following to create a 1G (FAT32) partition for EFI.
So here is what I did: created a 1G vfat type partition and set the esp flag on
it. This will be mounted to /boot/efi for systemd-boot. Next I created a single
partition on the rest of the available free disk which will be used as the root
file system.
Next I encrypted the root parition using LUKS and then created the BTRFS file
system on top of it.
Next is to create subvolumes in BTRFS. I followed suggestion by colleague and
created a top-level @ as subvolume below which created @/home @/var/log @/opt .
Also enabled compression with zstd and level of 1 to avoid battery drain.
Finally marked the @ as default subvolume to avoid adding it to fstab entry.
parted -a optimal -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt
parted -a optimal -s /dev/sda mkpart primary vfat 0% 1G
parted -a optimal -s /dev/sda set 1 esp on
mkfs.vfat -n boot_disk -F 32 /dev/sda1
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 ENC
mkfs.btrfs -L root_disk /dev/mapper/ENC
mount -o compress=zstd:1 /dev/mapper/ENC /mnt
btrfs subvol create /mnt/@
cd /mnt/@
btrfs subvol create ./home
btrfs subvol create ./opt
mkdir -p var
btrfs subvol create ./var/log
btrfs suvol set-default /mnt/@
Bootstrapping Debian
Now that root disk is prepared next step was to bootstrap the root file system.
I used debootstrap for this job. One thing I missed here from installer was
ability to preseed. I tried looking around to figure out if we can preseed
debootstrap but did not find much. If you know the procedure do point it to me.
Well this just gets a bare minimal installation of Debian I need to install rest
of the things post this step manually by chroot into target folder @/.
I like the grml-chroot command for chroot purpose, it does most of the job of
mounting all required directory like /dev/ /proc /sys etc. But before entering
chroot I need to mount the ESP partition we created to /boot/efi so that I
can finalize the installation of kernel and systemd-boot.
I remounted the root subvolume @ directly to /mnt now, remember I made @ as
default subvolume before. I also mounted ESP partition with FAT32 file system to
/boot/efi. Finally I used grml-chroot to get into chroot of newly bootstrapped
file system.
Now I will install the kernel and minimal KDE desktop installation and configure
locales and time zone data for the new system. I wanted to use dracut instead of
default initramfs-tools for initrd. I also need to install cryptsetup and
btrfs-progs so I can decrypt and really boot into my new system.
Next is setting up crypttab and fstab entries for new system. Following entry is
added to fstab
Added my user using adduser command and also set the root password as well.
Added my user to sudo group so I can use sudo to elevate privileges.
cd /mnt/
debootstrap --include=dbus,locales,tzdata unstable @/
umount /mnt
mount -o compress=zstd:1 /dev/mapper/ENC /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
grml-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-amd64 dracut openssh-client \
kde-plasma-desktop plasma-workspace-wayland \
plasma-nm cryptsetup btrfs-progs sudo
LABEL="root_disk" / btrfs defaults,compress=zstd:1 0 0And the crypttab entry
ENCRYPTED_ROOT UUID=xxxx none discard,x-initrd.attachI've not written actual UUID above this is just for the purpose of showing the content of /etc/crypttab. Once these entries are added we need to recreate initrd. I just reconfigured the installed kernel package for retriggerring the recreation of initrd using dracut. .. Reconfiguration was locales is done by editing /etc/locales.gen to uncomment en_US.UTF-8 and writing /etc/timezone with Asia/Kolkata. I used DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive to avoid another prompt asking for locale and timezone information.
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
dpkg-reconfigure locales
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Setting up systemd-boot
So now basic usable system is ready last part is enabling the systemd-boot
configuration as I'm not gonna use grub. I did following to install
systemd-boot. Frankly I'm not expert of this it was colleague's suggestion.
Before installing the systemd-boot I had to setup kernel command line. This can
be done by writing command line to /etc/kernel/cmdline with following contents.
Finally exit from the chroot and reboot into the freshly installed system.
systemd-boot already ships a hook file zz-systemd-boot under /etc/kernel
so its pretty much usable without any manual intervention. Previously after
kernel installation we had to manually update kernel image in efi partitions
using bootctl
systemd.gpt_auto=no quiet root=LABEL=root_diskI'm disabling systemd-gpt-generator to avoid race condition between crypttab entry and auto generated entry by systemd. I faced this mainly because of my stupidity of not adding entry root=LABEL=root_disk
apt-get install -y systemd-boot
bootctl install --make-entry-directory=yes --entry-token=machine-id
dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-6.0.0-5-amd64
Though installing from live image is not new and debian-installer also does the
same only difference is more control over installation and doing things which is
installer is not letting you do (or should I say is not part of default
installation?). If properly automated using scripts we can leverage this to do
custom installation in large scale environments. I know there is FAI but I've
not explored it and felt there is too much to setup for a simple installations
with specific requirements.
So finally I've a system with Debian which differs from default Debian
installation :-). I should thank my colleague for rekindling nerd inside me who
had stopped experimenting quite a long time back.